Chapter 4

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     "Come on, Miyu," Kaori begged, deleting another programmed bot. One that was too easily predictable, so repetitive, and so boring. One she's fought hundreds of times."I don't care if I get my butt kicked to the moon and back. I need something- something more than this!" Kaori turned to look at her operator through the screen, trying to look firm, yet pleading.

     Miyu shifted nervously, glancing at the room. No doubt, intimidated by what she saw. The kids here were young, but skilled. Kaori put her hands on her hips. Skilled because they've been net-battling for a long time with many different people, unlike Miyu.

     "You need to start battling someone other than Sol. You're too...too reliant. Not to mention, even then, that you didn't net-battle much either." Kaori paused. She didn't want to attack Miyu, she wanted to convince her. Be patient, be kind, she reminded herself. "Look..I understand you're scared. But remember how scared you were the first time you used a sewing machine? And now, you can use it like a pro?"

     Miyu nodded, but her face hinted no change of emotion. Kaori had given her this speech before. She knew what her navi was trying to say.

     "Just...just one? Please?" Kaori gave up trying to convince her, since it never worked. But she'll ask just one last time. Miyu's mouth pinched together as her eyebrows furrowed, seeming to think about the offer.

     "..okay," she relented finally. "Just one."

     Kaori's eyes widened, her cocoa eyes staring at her friend. "Really? You mean it?!" The navi bounced up and down with excitement, continuing her celebration before Miyu could change her mind. "Thank you thank you thank you!!! Oh, I wish I could just jump out of the screen and give you a giant hug-"

     "Okay!" Miyu sighed, exasperated. "I get it, I get it. Let's just.. get it over with." Kaori nodded, ready to get in a battle.

     "Net-bat-tle! Net-bat-le!" She chanted, pumping her fist in the air. Miyu glowered at the PET's screen and Kaori stopped, laughing nervously.

     "Sorry," Kaori quickly muttered, clearing her throat with a smile still plastered on her face. She peeked up at Miyu, who was scanning the room for anyone she thought she could take on. Kaori watched as her friend clutch onto her bag, fiddling with the strap as a way to release her stress. Maybe even some anger as well. The navi felt a small pang of guilt and regret for giving Miyu a hard time about the situation, and her childish reaction after the fact.

     Kaori just couldn't give up an opportunity like this.

     "This'll be a part of that homework Sol assigned huh?" Kaori said, twisting her short green hair around her fingers. She tried to think of a way to make Miyu more comfortable with the idea. "Instead of choosing someone based on how strong they are... why don't you pick someone you'd want to be friends with?" She smiled as she watched her friend's features relax from their furrowed positions, and her hand release it's choking grip from her bag. She could see Miyu was considering the idea.

     Miyu turned around a little as she looked around the arcade, spinning in a circle like a dog chasing its tail. Kaori couldn't help but smile slightly as she watched her with a slightly worried expression.

     She looks lost, was her thought.

     "Are you looking for something?" Someone asked, almost voicing Kaori's thinking.

     Miyu spun around again to face the stranger who had spoken. "Oh! Not- uh, not really I was just-" She stopped mid-sentence, staring at the boy who was in front of her.

     " okay?" The brown haired boy asked as he tilted his head, his spiky hair following its direction.  He was wearing a familiar bright orange vest. It was the boy Miyu had seen on the sidewalks before, and she scrambled to collect her words.

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