Chapter 2

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Miyu flopped onto her newly made bed, letting out a sigh of satisfaction. She'd moved her boxes in, unpacked her bedding, made her bed and..
That was about it.

"Miyu," The green-haired Navi chirped. "You're not done, are you?" Miyu glanced at Kaori before turning away. Pulling the edges of the blanket around her, she bundled herself up in the warm and fluffy embrace of her blanket. She went limp inside the comforting covers.

"I'm done."


"I'm tired."

"I've dialed Sol."

Miyu sat up, turning her wrapped up body to face the PET. She saw her unkempt image in the video call that was loading, wrapped up like some sort of drunk caterpillar in a cocoon. Oh lords! Kaori, I'm gonna kill you! Miyu thought, desperately scrambling to move from the camera's view. Squirming, she fell off the bed with a loud thud just as the call connected, out of sight of the PET's camera. Not moving a muscle, she wondered if her friend had seen the oh-so-graceful fiasco that had just occurred. It was silent for a moment as the boy on her screen looked for any signs of Miyu.

"Erm.....Miyu?" He asked. Miyu quickly unwrapped herself from the blankets, fumbling with her messy hair. She concluded she couldn't make it any better and popped her head over the edge of the bed.

"Hi.. hey, Sol," she said awkwardly, resting her arms on the bed as she looked at the boy's image on the screen with his yellow eyes. His brown hair that usually covered some of his face was clipped back with a pin.

"Why'd it take you so long to say hi?" Sol grinned. Miyu already knew the onslaught of questions and teases that were to come out of his sour mouth. "Scratch that, why'd it take you so long to contact me? I'm your only friend."

Miyu played with her loose strands of hair. "Because," she said. "I'm tired. And lazy. And wanna sleep." Sol raised an eyebrow curiously at her answer.

"So why'd you call?" He asked.

"Kaori called, actually..." Miyu looked away, pouting. "Why, did someone miss me?"

"In your wildest dreams Mariposa," he retorted, twirling a pencil in his hand. Mariposa. Butterfly. Miyu used to think he called her that because he liked her, but he just decided it was an appropriate nickname because Miyu loved butterflies. Weirdo.

"Don't forget that you're the one who's only got one friend." Sol pointed his pencil at her through the screen. "And that friend is me." Miyu rolled her eyes.

"Just shut up already, act like a nice person for me will you?" She begged.

"Oh my dearest friend Miyu, How was your day? I hope it was lovely."

Miyu made a disgusted face at his sarcastic empathy, immediately regretting her request. He laughed at her reaction.

It clicked that Miyu already missed him and moments like these. Thoughts flooded her head that things would change and their friendship would fall apart because of this move. Would she be able to make new friends then? Surely, she could. But Sol's friendship was important to her, and she didn't want to imagine loosing it. Especially when she was in a new town in need of support from family and friends. It was overwhelming. After the months of comforting herself and coaxing her feelings into believe she was okay with this, it dawned on her that she wasn't.

"It sucked. I wanna come back," she said, looking down. Tears began pooling in her blue-green eyes. "I miss you, and your mom, and...and-and that random old-lady at the park."

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