Chapter 8

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"It's starting to get cold again," Miyu said, shivering after gust of icy wind. She rubbed her exposed arms. The afternoon sun had started to make its way down the sky, the clouds blocking most of its light. Miyu hadn't expected to be out this late, but Netto had a real passion for net-battling. She had found it hard to say no when he asked for another battle.

"Sure is," Kaori agreed, despite not being able to feel the weather at all. She was in a good mood. Her and Miyu had made a few acquaintances today, and she was able to battle Rockman again. Although the intensity tired her, she had quite enjoyed the time there. "You know Miyu, I think you deserve a treat." She said. Kaori could delight in net-battling all day. However, she knew Miyu was not so fond of it. Additionally, she had made it through her first day of school, which was a call for celebration.

Miyu looked at Kaori in her PET's screen. "I could go for that," she sighed. "Especially something warm..."

"That coffee shop you visited the last time you were here, before you went to the arcade. Isn't it just down the block?" The Navi twisted her antenna-like addition around her finger. "Perhaps you can get a hot food or drink."

Miyu considered the suggestion. It sounded extremely tempting. She wondered if she had the money for it. Kaori come up with the idea to limit herself a long time ago. Good thing she had, or else Miyu would have spent more on clothes and mediums to make it than she should've. Unfortunately, she had just spent a majority of that money on material to make a winter coat for the upcoming season, which appeared to be hitting early.

"I don't know if I have enough Zenny.." Miyu whined, the cold starting to get to her.

Kaori checked her current account balance. "Actually, seems like you have just enough." She told her. That was all the convincing Miyu needed. She had already been making a beeline for the coffee shop, so when Kaori informed her of her luck she darted inside its glass doors.

The smell of coffee and the warm hug of the building made Miyu breathe a heavy sigh of relief. She stood in line, still rubbing her arms.

After ordering and getting her drink, she smiled contentedly. Feeling the warmth of the drink in her palms, she looked around for a seat where she could enjoy it. She wanted to edit her sketch of that coat she planned to make, too. Spotting an empty table, she made her way to it. Her greenish blue eyes continued to scan the shop, stopping on a figure who stood out in the room.

With an interesting jagged white and black hairstyle, a boy her age stood in the shop. He wore a black long sleeve shirt with yellow neckline and cuffs under a bold red sleeveless jacket. His hands were stuffed in his baggy camouflage cargo pants as he waited in line. Miyu couldn't help but stare at this boy who stood out with his hair, outfit, and aura. It was almost like he knew how attractive he was. She could basically feel the confidence rolling off him...

"Hey!" Shouted a voice, making Miyu whip her head forward. Too late, she realized she was walking straight into someone.

They collided, this unfortunate stranger's coffee spilling all over them both. Miyu gasped, flinching from the burning sensation of hot coffee over her chest and stomach through her clothes. After the initial shock, she stared, stupefied, at the unforgiving stain of coffee on her white shirt. She pinched the soaked cloth, pulling it off her skin slightly as she gawked at it. Horrible.

"Horrible!" Cried the man she had run into. Startled, Miyu lifted her head to look at this man's beet-red face staring at his own clothes as well. "Look at this mess...You spoiled my suit!" Miyu bowed her head deeply, her shaky hands still holding her unspilled drink.

"I am so.. so, so sorry, sir.. Please forgive me!" She pleaded, the whole situation catching her off guard. She could feel her whole face heating up from the scene the two were making, hearing the whispers of other customers. The man sighed, clearly still agitated.

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