Chapter 9

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Warning: this book has been updated to mature. Read the description to get more information.
This chapter includes mention of blood.

"That's just awful," Miyu's mother sighed. Miyu looked out the car window, taking a look at what her mom was talking about.

It was awful. Ambulances surrounded the wrecked car on the side of the highway. Smoke rose up from the mess of plastic and metal. Policemen and paramedics ran back and forth, trying to redirect traffic and find any more people who were involved in the accident, or may even still be in it. She caught a glimpse of someone getting wheeled away on a stretcher. Flashing lights and the blare of sirens made Miyu feel dizzy, especially paired with the traffic. She forced herself to look away, putting a hand on her forehead, trying to ease her rising nausea. She glanced out the window one more time.

She was met with a bloody face pressed against the window. Crimson red smeared against the glass and empty dark blue eyes stared straight at her. Suddenly the only thing in the word were these lifeless eyes and she felt like she was falling...

Miyu jolted up, letting out a dry scream. She paused, catching her breath as she looked around. She was in her room.

She turned to her side and rubbed her bleary eyes, already forgetting what she had dreamt about. All she knew was that her heart was pounding heavily in her chest. Pulling the covers over her again, she snuggled into her sheets, hoping to get as much sleep as possible.

"Miyu," Kaori chirped as the PET's screen lit up. "It's time to get up. Come on, chop chop." She clapped her hands together. Miyu groaned, pulling the covers over her head.

"Let me sleep for.." she yawned. "Five more minutes, okay...?"

Kaori put her hands on her hips. "Five minutes and that's it. Okay?"

"Mhm..." Miyu sighed as she rested her eyes again.


The voice of her father startled her. She grumbled as she sat up, looking at him standing in her doorway.

"Get out of bed Miyu," he said, sipping his cup of coffee. "Time to get up. No snoozing."

Miyu rolled her eyes as he turned away and walked out, swinging her feet out of bed. She put her slippers on, walking to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her hair. She felt really tired, despite having gone to bed earlier than usual. She shivered in the cold bathroom, yearning for the warm and soft comfort of her bed.

"Could you play some music Kaori...?" She yawned, turning on the sink. She splashed some water on her face as Kaori started her morning playlist.

"You seem tired this morning," her Navi commented. Miyu grunted slightly, patting her face dry with a towel.

"I think I had a bad dream," she said as she applied some face cream. "But I can't remember it." Kaori nodded.

"I'm pretty sure I heard you yell," she said. She watched as Miyu picked her up, carrying her back into her room.

"Yeah, something like that," Miyu mumbled as she opened her closet. Crossing her arms, she surveyed her clothes. "So... what do I replace my stained shirt with?"

"White T-shirt?" Kaori suggested. She looked away when Miyu gave her an unimpressed look. "Okay, guess not."

Miyu dressed in her normal clothes before shuffling through her tops. Eventually she picked out a white tank top and a light grey zip up to wear over it, giving up on finding anything better. She didn't want to be cold anymore either. She zipped up her jacket most of the way before taking her backpack and heading downstairs with her PET.

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