Chapter 5

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" am I supposed to live without you...?" A single tear fell from his cheek. His jaw clenching in an attempt to still look strong.

Miyu set down her pencil as she watched the scene. Loosing all interest in the outfit she was attempting to design, she leaned forward with anticipation.

The beautiful girl he stared at turned back to him. She opened her mouth to speak...

"Plug in your heart!" A boy said, appearing on the screen with a net background behind him. He flashed his PET at the screen, showing off its red color and the black and white mark that matched his hair.

"Ugh!" She sat up suddenly, glaring at the projection. "They always stick the ads there." She sighed as she looked back at her sketch. She picked her pencil back up to add some more, but her eyes drifted back to the screen.

"I'd find you attractive if you hadn't interrupted my show," she spat before continuing about her business.

Kaori watched from her small portion of the screen, giggling slightly. Even with all the changes, Miyu had still remained completely the same. She pulled up the digital calendar on the PET, drawing a red line across the date with her finger. It's been nearly two weeks since they'd moved. They hadn't seen that Netto or Rockman since. Sol seemed happy for Miyu after hearing about the interaction, though Miyu still seemed sore for loosing. They all agreed that she could take the boy's offer up for training, but Miyu still seemed a little disinterested.

The Navi smiled. It was progress. She was about the close the calendar when something dawned on her.

Nearly two weeks?

Her hand froze up slightly, her posture becoming a little stiff as her eyes slowly drifted down the calendar.

"I have school in three days?" Miyu turned off her show, grabbing her PET.

"I...I don't know how it slipped our minds, honestly," Kaori sighed. "Maybe all the worrying about getting everything unpacked and making an acquaintance got in the way?" The navi closed the calendar, pulling up notes for a back to school list instead. The only thing they'd really need are a few notebooks and materials.

"I guess we should go shopping, then," she swung her legs over her bed, putting her slippers on as she stood up. She opened her door and walked out, seeing if her parents were home. Only her dad was there, watching TV. Her mom had already started work. It was the whole reason they'd move after all. Miyu walked over to her dad, looking at the TV as he turned to her.

"Need something?" He asked. Miyu nodded.

"I was wondering if you could take me to the store," she said. His face twisted into a look of confusion.

"We went yesterday?"

"Yes, well," she sighed. "We forgot I have school." Her dad's eyebrows raised before he got up, turning the TV off.

"Come on Kaori, even you forgot?" He chuckled. Kaori laughed a little guiltily at the comment, but she smiled. "Well, get changed then Miyu. I'll start the car." He walked off, yawning as he scratched his neck. Miyu smiled before heading to her room to get changed.

Miyu shopped alone with Kaori as her dad waited in the car. She walked through the isles, taking a few notebooks and placing them in her grocery basket. She hummed, albeit off-tune, to the background music in the store. Checking off the items on the list one-by-one, she meandered through the store. She could hear Kaori humming as well and Miyu stopped to listen. Her Navi stopped shortly after, looking at Miyu to see if she needed any assistance.

"Need anything?" Kaori asked, absentmindedly twisting her short hair around her finger. Miyu shook her head.

"Just listening to you hum," she said, looking at some cute mechanical pencils. She picked a pack of them up to inspect them further. "Did we program you to sing? I don't remember doing that."

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