Chapter 12

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- Warning -

This chapter includes violence, blood, injuries and fainting

Kaori was exploring on her own- again. Miyu had plugged her into the net, excitedly talking about going to the city with her new friends. Kaori had listened, like always, and gave Miyu her full support before being left alone in the PET on her operator's desk. She had stood there for a while, somewhat hoping that Miyu would come back and take Kaori with her as her other friends did with their Navis, but she didn't. She wasn't entirely disappointed; she had somewhat expected it. Besides, she enjoyed the time she got to explore the net. Kaori could find interesting things in places Navis and bots didn't frequent, though she was careful not to go too far lest she run into a virus unarmed. Or worse, end up in the deep net.

Usually, Kaori's explorations end up with a discovery or something interesting happening, but not this time. She walked back to Net City with empty hands and an open mind. She didn't mind it; she found the idea of a Navi having an "open mind" amusing and even curious. Though Kaori was a Navi herself, she understood they were not human. It made her almost envious; that they could think without the limits of code but impressed at the same time by how human the code made her feel.

Lost in thought, she hadn't even realized the group of Navis that had formed around a building.

A Navi bumped into her, and Kaori was knocked to the side. She turned to see who did it, and they glanced behind them at her.

"Watch out!" They shouted, and Kaori whipped her head forward, seeing a virus drop at her.

Before she could even react, it disappeared in front of her, replaced by a sizzling red blade. She blinked, and the blade withdrew, revealing a red-helmeted Navi whose visors covered his eyes.

"Kaori!" Rockman exclaimed, jogging over. "What are you doing here?"

Kaori turned to him, glancing at the strange Navi, who had also turned to Rockman.

"You know her?" They asked him, and Kaori looked surprised.

"You know him?" She asked as well. Rockman rubbed his head.

"Oh, yeah. Blues, this is a new friend, Kaori. Kaori, this is my friend Blues." He explained with his friendly smile.

"What's a virus doing out in Net City? And thanks, by the way, for saving me." She added with a nod to Blues. He gave her a slight nod in response.

"There was an attack," Valris said, chiming in behind Rockman. "Looks like we missed one."

"I see..." Kaori peeked over their shoulders, seeing some glitches in the building. "So you are Net Saviors."

"Yes, we are," Rockman answered proudly.

"Thank you for your service," Kaori said, chuckling. "So...what happened?" She asked, a curious glint in her eye.


"That's confidential," Blues interjected, cutting Rockman off. "And I'm afraid you're too close to the scene. You're going to back off like other Navis."

"Come on, Blues, I'm sure it's fine," Rockman assured him.

"It's for her safety," Valris warned him. "she has no default weapon, either," she added, her head turning to Kaori slightly. Kaori wondered if she was thinking about her mysterious lack of one again.

"You're right. Sorry Kaori: Maybe another time," Rockman said apologetically.

"It's alright, Rockman." Kaori smiled. "Good luck. Stay safe." She pulled up a log-out screen and left the cut, appearing in Miyu's lonely PET.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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