Drama time!!

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I cleared up my tears and we entered into the restaurant. Everyone crowded round us asking questions me and Flair didn't want to answer. After we sat back down at the tables we finally ordered our meals, I was starving. I couldn't wait to eat. Samir leaned in for a kiss, I was about to accept it then I remembered the shock and pushed him back giving him a shock. I know I didn't want to push him back but I don't know how strong the shock is and it would look awkward to Samir if I was a suddenly in pain. So to make up for not kissing I hugged him instead also showing I still loved him and not make it as if I stopped liking him."When are we going back to England?" I asked him, I really wanted to head back there and see my plants and Misty.
"We could go tomorrow if you wanted or the day after, it's your choice."
"Can we go tomorrow?"
"Of course, and....Terra..."
"Yeh..."I looked up at his charming face,
"Why did't you kiss me?"
"Well....it's kinda hard to explain. Me and Flair were talking and as we started to walk again to catch up with you guys we got shoved into a car and driven off somewhere." Samir the noticed where the needle went and my new belt,
"Is that were you got those?" He pointed at them asking. I nodded,
"The person that kidnapped me and Flair injected some tracking stuff into my left arm. He only did it to me though."
"And what about the iron belt."
"If I act romantically with either you or Kimroch I get an electric shock, I not sure how powerful."
"Do you know who kidnapped you?"
"........Raidyn's father....." His face dropped,
"He really wants you to be with Raidyn doesn't he?"
"I know, I already tried to tell him that I like Raidyn and all but I belong with you. He wasn't having any of it. Luckily I can still hug you without getting shocked."
"We need to tell your parents."
"He said not to tell anyone!"
"Well you just told me!"
"He said not to tell anyone, not even his son! Then Raidyn found out and I felt that I should tell you. But I don't know what he'll do to me if I tell him."
"What he's doing to you is not right. He's probably also worried that he'll lose his place in court. And the stuff he did to you means he doesn't even deserve that position."
"So....should we tell my parents?" He nodded,
"Yes. I think we should."

*Time skip*

(Raidyn's POV)

I walked out of the restaurant and picked up my pace, I was about a few feet away from the doors when Terra rushed out. "Raidyn!" I turned toward my love,
"Terra! Go back inside." She slowed down once she got to me,
"I don't want to. Where are you going?"
"To have a word with my father."
"Let me come with you."
"No! I don't want him to hurt you again, not forgetting you've got a tracking device in you."
"You stay with the others, I need to do this." I brushed her hair out of the way of her face and stared into her gorgeous green eyes. I kissed her on the forehead and flew off into the night.

(Terra's POV)

I watched him fly off and heard Samir shouting,"Why did you suddenly run off Terra!? I was worried." I ran over to him and explained,
"Raidyn flew off to talk things out with his father. I wanted to come but he denied. He didn't want me hurt again."
"Don't forget the tracking device stuff."
"That too. But I still want to help!"
"Terra...." He sighed,"I don't want you to get hurt again. Ever since we came together it caused you to get hurt. I blame myself for it, you'll be better off without me."
"Samir...you can't leave me!"
"I'll just cause you to be even more in pain, it's better this way." He walked away from me as tears rolled down, how could he? How could he leave me?! Kimroch then turned up next to me,
"What's wrong Terra? And where's Samir going?"
"He's.....he's left me."
"What?!" Then something clicked in my mind, Raidyn's father said that something was going to happen and he said that he won't tell me what it was. This was what it was.
"Oh god..."
"Terra, what is it?"
"This was Raidyn's father's plan all along."
"What do you mean?"
"He knew that Samir would leave so I would run to either you or Raidyn."
"Does Raidyn know?" I shook my head,
"No, he went of to have a word with his father. I wanted to come but he didn't want me hurt and not forgetting that I'll be tracked." Kimroch thought for a minute, then had an idea,
"How about we get the tracking stuff out of you."
"How? He'll know if I go to a hospital or something."
"Have you forgotten what I can do?"
"What do you mean?" He took my hand and led me to an alleyway where we couldn't be seen. Then Kimroch changed and powered up. "Ohhhhh." He took my left arm and held his hand over the small hole. Pink and yellow lights created around my arm and he slowly lifted it up, as he did the liquid that was injected into me floated up and one no more came out the liquid was just a blob. The hole had disappeared and Kimroch disposed of the tracking stuff.

(Raidyn's POV)

I arrived at the hideout and saw my dad raging. I listened in closely to find out why he was mad,"THAT ******* GIRL! SHE GOT RID OF THE TRACKING STUFF!!! AHHHHHH!!!" How did she get rid of it, surely he would of found out if she was in hospital,"AND SHE WAS NO WHERE NEAR A HOSPITAL!!! HOW!!!!!" My dad really needed to shut it.
"FATHER!" I screamed to get above his rage, it took a lot out of me, I think I'm better off with violence and guns to show my anger,
"Raidyn?! What are you doing here son?"
"I'm here to talked about what you did to Terra."
"Well you always wanted to be with her, so I'm just simply granting that."
"She's married. She loves someone else."
"Well....why don't you look at this..." He pressed play on a video. It started with me just flying off then Samir running out. The more I watched the more I was mad. How could Samir leave his own wife just like that?!
"You were planning this all along didn't you!?"
"I knew it was going to happen, I hinted something to her but didn't tell her."
"It's all your fault that it happened!"
"I did it for you and Terra. I did it for you." He came closer to me to put his hand on my cheek. I slapped it away,
"I'm only happy when Terra is! And she's certainly not going to be happy after that!"

(Terra's POV)

We stared and listened to what they were saying. What Raidyn said, he was only happy when I was happy?! That's...sweet of him. But I miss Samir, my husband, my boyfriend, the love of my life....the abandoner... I sighed quietly to myself. Why did he have to leave? "Well be happy that I've got your love back!"
"Yeh! The one who spent her whole life not knowing me and marring the one she loved! And not forgetting, YOU JUST GOT HER LOYAL HUSBAND TO ABANDON HER!!!!" My feet shuffled a bit on the floor and his father looked straight at me. I flinched back fast and hid, but I think I was too late.
"Speaking of your love, you can come out now! I saw you..." I didn't move, Raidyn looked over to where I was then something grabbed my shoulder and I screamed,
"AHHHH!!" I was then pushed to the centre of the room where they were standing,
"And I think there's another friend of yours..." We all looked to the opposite side of the rooms. Kimroch was was brought in struggling. He then kicked the guard in the 'privates' sending him into a world of pain. Two more guards ran at both sides and he went into fighting mode. But the two guards didn't give up the griped his shoulders tightly and pulled out tasers sending him into shock mode,
"KIMROCH!!" He went to ground juttering.
"Father! Stop this!" My shoulder hurt from the guard, I had it being damsel in distress,
"(That's it!)" I went whispering, the men looked at me confused and I use my fighting skills to kick butt the guard,"Learn to be polite and gentle you idiot!!" Then I ran over to Kimroch kicking and punching the two guards away. "Kimroch....Kimroch..." I was really worried, how high did they put those things?!
"For goodness sake father, I've had it with you. Right now I could simply have your name taken off the board!"
"What do you mean?!"
"Get your title stripped from you."
"You wouldn't, after everything I've done for you."
"Try me."
"I'm your father."
"What you did deserves for you to be stripped form your title!" Kimroch kept jerking in my arms.,
"(Please wake up)"
"I forbid you to do that!"
"You can't forbid me. You may be my father but I don't think of you that way. You're no father of mine!" He punched his father across the room and onto the floor. "I would kill you but I'll be counted as a psycho." Kimroch's eyes opened,
"Terra?" I hugged him hard,
"You're alive!"
"Of course I'm alive, I've only got electrocuted." He went chuckling a bit. I helped him up and saw Raidyn's father on the floor clutching his face.
"Raidyn?" He turned to look at me and said,
"My father ruined my life, he's giving me a bad reputation."
"You don't have a bad..."
"I do, he forced your father, the most powerful angel, to get you to marry me. I'm already violent and lose my temper quickly. I'll be a bad boyfriend in the first few minutes." As his father struggled to get up, I walked over to Raidyn and kissed him on his lips...

The grass and air benderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz