Telling the past

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Raidyn's POV)

I left her to sleep on the bed and went over to my laptop quietly. I didn't want to wake her and I didn't want her to find out what I'm doing. I logged on and slotted the SD card in. I loaded the film and started to edit it. Every now and then I would turn and check on Terra. She looked so beautiful and peaceful when she sleeps. I finished edited and uploaded it to my phone. I logged off and sent the message to Samir with the video saying,'Are you sure yours and Terra's love is as strong as you think it is? If so, watch this and see if this changes your mind...' It was sent. I went over to my bed which was on the opposite side to Terra and slept.

(Samir's POV)

I missed Terra, I couldn't think of what Raidyn was doing to her. She was really upset when she told me about he did to her. I want to get her back but I'm stuck in hospital with a hole in my abdomen. I hadn't slept all day, I couldn't stop thinking about Terra, my thoughts were stopped by my phone buzzing. I picked it up and looked at the message, it was from an unknown number. Strange. It read,'Are you sure yours and Terra's love is as strong as you think it is? If so, watch the video and see if it changes your mind...' And there was a video. I pressed play and I saw Raidyn and Terra in what seems a hug library. I saw Terra leaning towards Raidyn and! This must be fake. Terra would never...I'm calling Raidyn up tomorrow and demanding to know what this was about. I won't do it now, it is 23:34.

*Time skip*

(Raidyn's POV)

I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast while Terra was trying to get up, she really was a deep sleeper. I think she could sleep through a massive storm without being woken up. I decided to cook waffles, they were always my favourite food. I was about to put the mixture in the waffle maker when my phone started vibrating on the counter. I put the measuring jug down and pressed answer,"Hello?"
"Hello Raidyn..."
"Hello Samir, what can I do for you?"
"The video..."
"The what?"
"The video. Where Terra kissed you."
"Oh that. What about it?"
"Was it faked?"
"No, it was genuine."
"Why did she kiss you, she hates you. Did you force her to kiss you?!"
"No I didn't," I didn't notice Terra coming and hide round the corner listening to the conversation,"She did it at her own free will."
"The why did she act awkward at the start?" I chuckled,
"Don't you read the clues, ask yourself that. You get the answer yourself without even saying anything."
"What exactly do you want with my wife!" Terra listened quietly trying to not make a sound and give herself away,
"Your wife, was suppose to be my wife. We were in a marriage agreement when we were younger."
"I know that! She told me! But what do you want to do with her, Terra isn't single!" Terra could hear the anger coming from the phone. She decided to just come in and end it, I noticed her come in and went,
"Got to go bye!"
"Wait...wha-." I cut him off and put the phone in my pocket,
"Morning sleepy head, nice sleep?" I asked pouring the mixture into the waffle maker,
"Yeh, are you cooking waffles?" She went changing the subject quickly,
"Yyeeessss, don't you like waffles?"
"Don't like them? I love them! How did you know?"
"I didn't, I don't spy on you when you eat. That'll be just weird."
"I suppose," she sat on the stool of the tall table,"Who were you talking to? On the phone, who were you talking to?"
"Uhh, I'd rather not say."
"Why not?"
"I don't want you to over react."
"Excuse me?"
"The name would make you flip."
"Tell me."
"Tell me!"
"TELL ME!" I pulled out my trusty desert eagle at her quickly, shutting her up instantly.
"I don't want to hurt you Terra, I can get a bit aggressive, you know that." Her head nodding quickly, I put my gun away and finished making the waffles. I placed them on some plates then popped it I front of Terra and me. I sat opposite her and we started eating. "Sorry about that."
"It's ok, I've had worse." I dropped my fork,
"You've had worse than a gun pointing at you?!" She nodded,"How bad?"
"I have a picture on my phone but I..." I clicked my fingers and her phone appeared in front of her,"How did you?" I shrugged my shoulders. My princess picked her phone up and searched through her photos then came across the one she was looking for. She handed me her phone looking away. I was slightly confused by her actions until I saw the picture. My hand flew to my mouth. Terra was lying on a hospital bed in angel form. He wings were ripped and slightly bent, her clothes were torn to pieces, her hair was tattered and all over the place. Blood stained her and her clothes. Hundreds of wounds were inflicted on her. I was.... I was lost for words. Who did this?
"Who did this?"
"It all began with Kimroch. He was the prince of darkness and wanted to show me how powerful he was and started the war between the light and dark angels. We all had to get involved in it so we went to fight. We were fighting some dark angels and I just finished some off with the power of rock music when I saw Samir's younger sister for the first time, Carrie. Samir was talking to her and she was a dark angel and she just explained that Samir was the prince of light angel and that Kimroch was her's to love. I was then caught by some dark angels who put a knife to my neck. They demanded that Samir had a choice to either hand himself in to them or they kill him. The more the dark angel got frustrated the more her dug the knife in, slowly cutting my throat, he threatened to kill me if Samir didn't choose. My eyes swelled up with tears of pain and suffering, I tried my best to hold in the screams and pain. Then Kimroch came and demanded that they let me go. Samir was confused onto why they called him sir, so I told him that Kimroch was the dark prince. But it was rather difficult to say when there was a knife cutting you. Kimroch got annoyed and demanded they took the knife away as I slowly started to faint. They did and I started to fall to the ground. Kimroch caught me and handed me to Samir while he told the group of dark angels off and sent them away. He then performed his healing spell to heal the cut."

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