Princess of the night and Raidyn

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(Samir's POV)

Terra hadn't come back yet from the pool and I was getting a little concerned. It was 12:50 and I thought she would be back by now. I wandered to the pool room and looked over at the changing area. Her clothes, and jewellery were there especially her wedding ring, Terra obviously didn't want to wear her ring and get it damaged in the water. But as I looked around there was no one insight, but what caught my eye was the breeze coming from an open window. Strange. The lock to the open window looked as if was forced open, from the outside...

(Terra's POV)

I opened my eyes to find myself chained to a pole with my hands tied behind my back, my legs tied together and gagged with a cloth. I noticed a man in front of me with his back to me and I was still wearing my bikini. It felt awkward. I had no idea who this guy was and he nabbed me from a privet pool in a hotel. I looked round the room, and the more I saw, the more I cringed. There were pictures of me from the past. But there no pictures of me and Samir and any events after he proposed. Strange and there was even a picture of me with my crutches that looked as if it was taken from a person hiding inside a bush......wait. A bush. The pair of eyes I saw! But I can only confirm it if he has light blue eyes. Is he a stalker? From what I could see he is a creep and a stalker. I looked at some of the other pictures. There were some of me in...angel...form.... Ok he is a stalker. I hope he isn't a guy who wants to revile that I'm an angel. If he's going to I will destroy him.

I looked in front of me and then the mysterious man was suddenly there. "You seem very calm in this type of situation, I guess you're used to it after what you've been through." What was he talking about? "I guess you're wondering what you're doing here? Am I right?" I nodded slowly,"If you didn't know is I'm crazy about you. You can see that can't you?" I once again nodded slowly, where is he going with this? "I was about the same age as you when we first made an encounter after the incident, so you were in year eleven and so was I. You looked right at me, inside me I was fan girling ( however you spell it ). I couldn't believe you saw me. I was so happy, but you didn't know who I was." He started to walk round the room,"How did I know you in the first place? Well if you didn't all ready know, you're the princess of the night..." What! I spat the cloth out,
"What!" He was rather surprised by my tone,"What do you mean princess of the night?!" I spat as I talked, this princess idea made me mad,
"You didn't know?!"
"No, I am the princess of light angels if that's what you were meaning to say."
"No, you are the princess of the night. And what made you think you were princess of light?! You never married the prince of light, you were only his friend."
"How do you know you creep! You invaded my privacy."
"Excuse me! I'm not as bad as some people. I only took pictures and this! Others go over board." I quietened my tone,
"Still. Can you explain this whole princess of the night thing?"
"Your mother and father were the king and queen of the universe. They ruled the stars, galaxies and so on. Then they had you. You were known as the princess of the night, but you were born the same time as my mother and father had me. My father demanded your father that we were a destined match and that we would marry when the time is right. My father was in charge of the angel court and was able to demand what ever he wish, but he was not as powerful as your father, even so, your father accepted. Your mother didn't want you to marry me later on in your life so she did the only thing that was optional to her. Send you away. She got in contact with her best mate who is Phoenix flair's mother. She told her what was going on. Her mother approved and at the age of 12 they sent you and Phoenix away and blocked the memories of your mothers and fathers, my mother and father and me."

"What happened after that?"
"My father found out and was outraged. He confronted your mother and she tried her best to be innocent. It failed as your father went against her as well. My father sent me out and said that I must find 'my true love' I did and I found you in the school you went to, I was so happy that I found you then my heart fell when you fell for the boy, I saw you outside with him, Flair and Dan. Your performance was amazing but I was still annoyed that I didn't get to see your other talents. I didn't get involved with your life, I just....watched you. Then there was the Kimroch guy. I had to get out of my way to pretend to be his body guard, so I could see you even more. And then I saw your other talents, you were even more amazing. I then stopped cheering when I saw Kimroch about to kiss you when you did the fiddle off. I was about to go in and smack him on the head when Samir came in and ruined it. Then so on and so on."
"But why did you assume that me and Samir aren't together?"
"You aren't."
"Wrong! We are."
"Where's the wedding ring then?"
"Why would I wear it when I go swimming?!"
"Got a point but still, any other information about you two supposedly married?"
"Uhh..." I was cut off by him getting closer,"Would you stop that please, it's creeping me out. I don't even know your name," he came closer and said,
"My name's Raidyn."
"Raidyn, as in the god of thunder?" He came even closer, so close that our bodies were almost touching. It was uncomfortable,
"Yes, it means god of thunder..." I was about to protest on him being too close to me, when his lips met mine...

(Samir's POV)

I took a closer look. It was defiantly forced open. Who would want to break in here, yes it may be Kimroch but he doesn't want to have his heart broken even more and he knows what Terra can do. Maybe it's someone I don't know? Or some one I know but forgot about? I was just thinking about possible conclusions when I heard a a neigh coming from outside. I looked through the open door and saw Misty Snowdrop flying towards me. What's Misty doing here? She landed in front of me and presented a scroll. What did have to say? I unraveled it and read,'Terra has been taken and her happy life is at risk. Samir, though we have not met I know you are right for Terra and Terra is right for you. I desperately want you to save Terra from a man her age called Raidyn. - Yours sincerely the queen of galaxies.' Queen of galaxies? my wife Terra Vine.....the princess of the night?

OMG! Samir finds out. This is a lot to take in, in one read I know, but I had some much fun writing this and it's so early on it the book. Anyway, I may write the next chapter today. No promises but I may. Anywho, hope you're enjoying it so far and I hope you enjoy the rest to come and I wish you all a happy new year. Shy wolf out.

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