The beach

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I woke up to sunlight shining through the windows and the turning of pages. I looked to my left to Samir reading his favourite book. "Morning sleepy head. I can never get hold of how deep a sleeper you are." I giggled sleepily.

"What time is it?"

"About tenish." He flicked his wrist to his face to look at his watch,"Yep, just gone ten. What do you want to do today?" He asked putting his book down on the bedside table.

"I'm not entirely sure what we should do."

"Well, there's a beach nearby..."

"Let's go to the beach then!"

"Sure. Let's go pack the beach towels and put on our swimwear."

When we got to the beach the sun was shining brightly and the sea shimmered under the sun's rays. It was so beautiful. We lay our beach towels down and I moved my feet between the tingling sand. It felt weird but nice in a way. Samir started getting the suncream out while I jumped round in excitement,"Calm down you!"
"I can't help it, the beach is so much fun."
"At least put some cream on, I don't won't you getting sun burnt." I sat down on the towel while Samir spread the cream over my back, I then did it for him then ran over and jumped into the sea. It was cold compared to the heat of the sun. I shivered slightly and watched Samir head over,"S-s-so c-c-cold." I went with my teeth chattering,
"I'm not surprised," as he came to the edge of the water I dipped my hand in the sea water,"What are you doing Terra?"
"Oh just SPLASHING YOU IN THE FACE!" I flung a lot of sea water at him making Samir soaking wet. I started laughing my head off, he looked so funny.
"Is that how you want to do this?! Ok then!" He used his arms to guide a load of water up and onto me. Soaking me as well,
"HEY!" Then we went all out water war. Water was going everywhere. We then stopped and looked up, there was a massive drop of water, we looked at each other and both knew,"Dan!" The water dropped on both of us and turned to look at two giggling and laughing figures, we knew who they belonged to. We both stepped back onto the yellow creamy sand and waited for the two to approach,"Hey Dan,"
"Hey Phoenix flair,"
"Hey you two, how's it going?"
"Good, how about you?"
"Okay." We started to head back up the beach and were laughing at each other's bad jokes. I looked over to my left and slowly stopped laughing, someone was standing and staring at me.
"(Raidyn)....." I whispered,
"Terra! You coming!?"
"Oh yeh!" I went wiping round, I looked back to where the supposed Raidyn was, no one was there,"(strange)" I went whispering again, I shook it out of my head and headed back to where everyone was waiting. Dan and Flair brought some traditional fish and chips from the chippy near the seaside for everyone,
"Chips all round!"
"We're all so British!" We all laughed at my statement but we were British. Some American folk looked round at us confused at the way we talked, to us it's the other way round. I mean, they spell colour without the u it looks weird and mesmerised with a z. (Color and mesmerized if you wanted to know, by the way I'm not judging you Americans😉 ) Well, everyone's different and we should embrace that and not push ourselves down. As we ate I thought about Raidyn. Why is he so determined to have me? He was the one who got me killed by my own husband! He ruined my entire life, but if it wasn't for him I wouldn't of met Samir. Maybe I should sort it out with him myself. Get all this to blow over and make him leave me alone. But how do I get in contact? I could wait until his next appearance.
"Why are you so quiet Terra?" Samir asked snapping me out of my train of thought,
"Oh, I was just thinking."
"About what?"
"Such as...." Should I lie to him, he would no way allow me to get close to Raidyn otherwise,
"What are we going to do tomorrow?" That tiny lie hurt so much,
"We could do some recording come back here, go home if you like."
"We could do the recording tomorrow."
"Sure thing."

*Next day*

(Samir's POV)

Recently since the incident at the meal, Terra's been acting really strange. I don't know why she is acting strange but I want to know why. "Terra are you ok? You've been in the bathroom for two hours, you're worrying me."
"Everything's fine. Everything's fine." She sounded like she's super anxious,
"No. Everything's not fine. Come on Wolfie. Come out."

(Terra's POV)

I don't know whether I should go and see him or stay here. "Should I tell Samir or not." I didn't realise I said that out loud,
"Tell me what?" Samir went from outside the locked door,
"Terra Hermina Storm, you tell me right now what's going on! I'm worried about you and there is defiantly something going on here, so tell!" I can't say no to that, maybe I should just tell him. I unlocked the door slowly revealing my wet face with blood shot eyes. I was immediately pulled into a hug. "Now tell me what's going on." We went and sat on the bed and I started to explain about Raidyn's appearances. Once I finished I prepared for Samir to shout at me but he didn't,"Why didn't you tell me this? You know you can trust me. I love you Terra and I don't want to lose you."
"I love you too." He kissed me on the forehead,"I've got a surprise for you."
"You do?" I went sniffling,
"I'll give it to you tonight. Hopefully it can cheer you up."
"Thank you so much." I hugged him hard, I loved Samir so much.

Hey Wattpaders, sorry for having my books on hold for a while but as I said in my latest chapter of Psycho boy and Cathy I've been rather ill and had a lot of homework but I'm doing another chapter today so I hope you enjoy them, bye guys. Shy wolf out.

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