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(Samir's POV)

"Misty, am I mad thinking this?" Misty Shook her head,"So Terra is the princess of the night?" Misty nodded. I felt like I was going to faint. How is this possible? My own wife is the lost princess of the night. "Are her parents the king and queen of the galaxies then?" Misty once again nodded. "Oh god..." Snowdrop rolled her eyes, and used her magic to levitate me onto her back,"You could of given me a warning you know, Misty turned her head towards me and gave me a sort of glare look,"Ok ok, let's go rescue Terra." And we set off through the open window in search of Terra.

(Terra's POV)

I couldn't move or get away from Raidyn. He made out with me and I had no choice but stand there helplessly tied to a pole with only my head to move. From the looks of it Raidyn was enjoying himself, but I certainly wasn't. I still wanted answers, answers were rather difficult at this moment though. I want Samir to come get me, save me from this guy. At least when Kimroch kidnapped me he didn't tie me down and try to make out with me. I just want to push this guy away and punch him. Samir, please come.

(Samir's POV)

We arrived at a bungalow and one room had thick curtains drawn across the windows as if they wanted to hide a secret inside. I dismounted Snowdrop and walked up to the door, I couldn't hear much, there was a faint sound of something but I couldn't quite make it out. I decided to knock, no point in breaking into someone's house if it was the wrong one.

(Terra's POV)

I heard faint knock coming from the front door from what I could make out. Raidyn didn't react at first, but the knock sounded more demanding the second time. Raidyn reluctantly stopped making out with me and stepped back moving his finger down my cheek and under my chin as he did. He went to his desk and moved a bed sheet coving.......a pile of guns! He looked through his pile and pick up a desert eagle and walked out the door and calmly closed it. I looked back to the pile of weapons, there were AK-47s, RPDs, MP44s and many more. How many guns does this guy need? And more did I recognise them all?

(Raidyn's POV)

I didn't want to leave Terra, princess of the night, the supposed princess of light angels, my princess. I love how she didn't resist when I made out with her, I loved it so much. Then this person had to ruin it by banging on my door. I think when I moved that bed sheet coving the guns, Terra was rather terrified. I saw it on her face as I walked out. Hopefully she knows I mean business. I held the desert eagle behind my back and opened the door a crack, that's when I saw him. The prince of light angels himself. "Good afternoon your majesty. What can I do for you?" I kept a firm grip on the gun and left my tigger finger hovering. Samir held a concerned face as he was trying to work out my face,
"I'm sorry, but who are you and how do you know I'm royalty?!"
"You are the prince of light angels, am I right?"
"I'm the son of the court room's judge."
"Still don't know who you are, anyway, can I do an additional search of your bungalow please?" Why that stupid prince. He thinks he can steal my princess away from me, well think again. I'll lure him in and then shoot. I opened the door just enough for him to enter, then slowly pulled my gun out. Samir had he back to me, I undid the safety catch and cocked the gun, he spun round and I....

(Terra's POV)

There was a load gunshot. Was that Samir getting shot or Raidyn getting shot with his own gun? I wanted to run out the door and see. But I couldn't. Even if I were able to escape and Raidyn was the one who fired the gun shot, he would threaten to hurt me so I could never escape. I looked at the pile of weaponry once again. Maybe hurt me with one of those deadly guns? To be honest, I've always been terrified of guns even when I was little, but I couldn't remember much of my childhood. I was startled a bit but the door abruptly opening. Raidyn was dragging a limp Samir,"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" He ignored me and dragged him over to a corner and shackled him to the wall,"I SAID WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" He walked up to me and rested his finger on my lips,
"He's still alive."
"But he's..." He again shushed me with his finger,
"Ah ah ah," he stepped back a bit,"You need to adjust to my rules. My rules as follows, 1) Never mess with me 2) Don't interrupt me and 3) Do what I say. You understand?" I looked at Samir then at Raidyn, and nodded,"You can speak you know." I looked away from him, I didn't want to see his sick face. He held his hand and used it to turn my head to face him,"Will this loosen your lips?" He kissed me on the lips. I could just see anger building up inside Samir if he saw this. Samir was just looking at the floor and didn't know what was going on, I think he's unconscious.

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