The gaming convention part one

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Sorry if this drags but there are some important facts in this, such as small backstories and a certain 'incident'. "Enjoy.

My legs shivered and knocked together as I waited for our plane to arrive, I was scared and excited. It was my first time going on a plane, I only ever went on trains for gaming conventions as they were in the same county as us, but this one what in Italy for some reason. Well...we spend a day in Italy then we travel to the U.S for the rest of the convention. I drank Samir's special home made juice to comfort me, Samir went to one of the little shops for something. Don't know what though. I finished off my drink then placed it back in my backpack. I looked up and saw Samir coming back carrying something, I tried to make it out but I couldn't work it out. "What's that?"
"It's a reindeer," he went and sat down next to me and handed the reindeer to me. She looked so cute,"What do you want to call it?"
"Umm, how about Vixen?"
"Ok, sure. She is yours."
"Plane number 264 to Italy has arrived. Can passengers for the flight go to platform 3 please."
"We have to go now." We grabbed our things and headed for platform 3. We entered outside and I saw the plane, it's ok Terra, it's just like flying with your wings only you're not the one that's flying. A pilot is instead. Me and Samir started to climb the metal stairs into the great, big, white, flying machine, then went to find our seats. I sat in my seat next to the window. I looked outside. It was still dark.
"Good morning everyone and welcome. In case of an emergency.........." She droned on and on then went,"I hope you enjoy your flight." Then walked off. The engines started roaring and the plane rolled across the tarmac. I gripped onto my armrest and Vixen; fingers clenching them tight. The plane eventually flew into the night sky. Samir placed his calm hand on my clenched one relaxing it a little. The tension in my fingers released and lay calmly on the rest.
"It's ok Terra. It's my first time too. I've never gone on a plane before." We turned our heads so we faced each other. He gave a warm smile, I love Samir he always knows how to comfort me.

*Time skip*

"Attention everyone. We'll be turning the aeroplane lights off so you can looked at the beautiful lights below before we land. Thank you." Spoke the lady over the announcer. The lights flickered off and we leaned towards the small compacted window. It was a wonderful sight. The lights were as if they were stars in the night sky. The lights came back on and the the plane landed. We collected our bags and headed out of the plane with the other passengers. The airport was deserted. Hardly anyone was there. Well I can't blame them it is 06:55 in the morning. We handed in our tickets and headed outside. It was so cold, why didn't I wrap up warmer!? I shivered continuously. Samir took off his jacket and placed it over me,"
"Hey, it's better you stay warm than me, now let's try and get a taxi. The convention should of booked one, if not then we'll have to resort to becoming our angel form and fly to the hotel."

*Time set*

We waited for about 10 minutes and still no sign. "I think we'll have to go angel form." I said as the sun started to creep over the mountains,
"Yes, and fast."
"But what about the hotel staff? They'll see our wings."
"We'll have to fold them down and hide them under our jackets." I nodded and we powered up fast. Our clothes changed, so did our hair and our wings grew from our back. I could never fully believe Samir's natural form. Same for him only for me. Since when I found out about my power my natural images changed. My clothes were now a knee high navy blue dress, with a think white ribbon and bow around my waist. My shoes were black knee high boots and my hair was a darker brown with three blue highlights. I don't know how natural images change, but I like my new image. Samir held my hand and we flew off with our stuff to our hotel. We landed close by and put on our jackets so no one saw our elegant wings. We then entered the hotel. It was magnificent. Shame we were only staying a night then heading off to U.S. The hotel had a private swimming pool in our room, on-suite bathroom and top quality beds. Best hotel ever but only for one night. The hotel staff directed us to the room and handed us the key. We travelled up to the second floor and turned the key in the lock to room number 39. We dumped our stuff and flopped onto the double bed.
"What time's the meet and greet?"
"Oh god!"
"The meet and greet's at 08:00 and it's 07:25 now!" I was rushing into the on-suite bathroom and tidying up my hair as fast as I could,
"Calm down," Samir went as he entered into the bathroom after me,"There's no need to be that worked up about it. Even if we are a few minutes late I'm sure they won't mind." I relaxed a little and brushed my hair slower. I started placing the hair brush down when Samir wrapped his arms round my waist. He leaned in and whispered,"You look fine as you are..." He kissed me on the cheek passionately.

We eventually made it to the meet and greet just in time, we stood backstage waiting for our names to be spoken. "Hello everyone. Are you excited to meet your two most favourite Youtubers?"
"(Audience) YES!"
"Then let's bring the couple out, please welcome The_shy_wolf and The air bender!" Our custom made music played on the surround sound and we climbed up the few steps and was greeted by enormous claps produced by the crowd. They died down as the host started talking to the audience and us. "So....The_shy_wolf or what other name do you want us to call you?"
"Just call me Shy."
"Ok Shy, why did you start youtube?"
"Well I started youtube to you know, get my name out there. I started off doing custom music and artwork. Then came the game Minecraft and then my subscribers' number shot up.
"Well there you have it, and The air bender, why did you start?"
"I as well wanted to get my name out there but I did draw. I did do custom music but not until later on. Instead I did action scenes, so my and my mate Dan would shoot scenes in real life of us doing stunts and daring tricks that sort of thing."
"Wow, I should watch both of your older videos, they sound really intresting. Now let's take some questions from the crowd. Dean, do you want to pick?" Dean nodded and a flurry of hands showed in the crowd. He looked round them all and picked a young girl wearing a custom t-shirt with my logo on it. Dean lowed a microphone down to her and asked,
"What's your name and what do you want to ask them?" She went a bit shy but went,
"Hi Chlo,"
"How did you and The air bender meet?"
"How did me and Samir meet, well it was back in year 11 we first me. He was a new kid then and it was the first day."
"I was dressed in a rich way so Shy thought she stood no chance with me."
"He surprised me though and then we just, you know, clicked." Dean let me finish then picked another child. One a bit older than the last.
"My name's Ian..."
"Hey Ian," Samir went in a laid back way,
"How did you know that Shy was right for you?"
"Ummm.....what's the word I'm looking for. Ah yes, Terra is perfect in every way possible, she's mysterious and stands up for herself."
"Thank you Samir." I kissed him on the cheek, making the audience have a mixture of awws and ewws.
"Calm down everyone. Now if you would all follow Dean you can get a free signing by this lovely couple." The kids, dragging their parents behind them, hurriedly followed Dean into the other rooms. Me and Samir were directed to a few tables with our signing cards. Mine was my three forms, my pony, my real life self and my skin with vines separating the three pictures. Samir's was a little different. It was a picture of him powering up in a storm in the art style anime. I drew it myself. It was when he showed me and Phoenix his powers for the first time.
PIt took a few hours for the signings and we just did the last few children. My hand and wrist ached from doing messages and my signature. We were thanked by the host and Dean for joining them and even they asked us for an autograph. We eventually went back to the hotel and flopped onto our bed. "What time is it?"
"Around 11:20."
"Wow, I'm going to go and have a swim in our private pool."
"Ok sure thing, what time do we have to leave tomorrow?"
"I think we leave the airport at 05:00 in the morning."
"Kay, you have fun in the pool." I walked off to the pool with my towel and bikini.

Not long after I got in the pool, I swore I heard someone come into room. I looked round trying to spy out if anyone entered. Nothing. I swam to the edge and got out. I let my feet dip in the water and relaxed. But then I was grabbed from behind. I yelped and a man covered my mouth with his hands stopping me from yelling or shouting, then he spoke,"Got you!"

Hey wattpaders, however you spell it. Anyway, sorry if this chapter dragged and is too long and how late it has come out but it is kinda hard to write a chapter when you have your mind on other things, such as drawing, Christmas, my birthday, my mum's birthday and so on. Also I did draw my pony and skin on the photo, but as drawing the skin took so long, I couldn't be bothered to do Samir's card, as it would take too long also. Anywho, hope you enjoyed this chapter if you didn't think it dragged and found it exciting, I'm going to be writing the next chapter today, but I'm unsure when I will finish and publish it. Anyway bye! Shy wolf out.

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