The ending chapter

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I stood there, clinging tightly to the crumbling stone. This is it, the end. It's now or suffer. I grew vines behind me spelling out,'Terra Vine 1992-2015 R.I.P' I looked around the world for the last time,"Goodbye world. You'll be a better place without me." I closed my eyes and stepped off the edge.

(Samir's POV)

I watched her plummet to her death through the air. I laughed to myself, she did my work for me. More time for me to do what I wish...

(Raidyn's POV)

I couldn't believe she would kill herself. I know Samir tried to kill her and all but still. I felt around her vines she left. Even though I can resurrect people I think it's best to leave her in peace. "Bye Terra, you will be missed." I let out a tear, I closed my eyes and looked down solemnly, I kissed my fingers and placed them on the vines. "Love you...Terra."

The End

Hey guys, don't you panic! Two more novels are coming soon, so don't you worry. And yes I killed Terra off, once again! I just keep killing myself here. What is wrong with me!? Anyway the new book is going to be called: The devil angel and the two broken hearts. Hope you enjoy it, bye! Shy wolf out.

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