The gaming convention part two

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My phone started buzzing on the makeup table, I was about to answer when a direction entered briefly,"We're on it five minutes."
"Ok," then she left, I then eventually answered the phone,"Hello?"
"Hey Terra!"
"Yes, it is I! The prince of darkness!" I giggled, I loved it when he was in his boasting joyful mood,"I heard about what happened."
"You-you did?! How?"
"Would you know it but the king of the galaxies came and visited me with this boy called Raidyn..." I gagged at his name,"Are you ok Terra?"
"I'm so sick of the bastard, I can't believe his father."
"Whoa, easy there Terr. Don't go too far. Why do you hate him so much? You father only said about the forced marriage and you being the princess of the night."
"He kidnapped me from mine and Samir's private swimming pool in Italy, tied me to a pole in chains and made out with me. He also was responsible for Samir killing me!"
"Wa-wa-wait....Samir killed you?! But you're alive." I heard the host announcing for our appearances,
"I have to ring you back, do you have Skype?"
"Yeh, I'll ring you later on there, bye."
"Bye." I put the phone back on the table and grabbed my pretend blue furry wolf ear alice band, and tail. I attached my tail quickly to the back of my trousers and put the alice band in my hair. I hurried over to where Samir and some other Youtubers were waiting,
"What took you so long Wolfie? You barely just made it."
"Phone call."
"From who?"
"Tell you later,"
"And can I welcome the very couple themselves, The_shy_wolf and The air bender!" The crowd cheered and applauded as me and Samir went onstage holding hands, that's when I saw my youtube role models. Mr. Stampy cat, Squid nugget, Sqaishey, DanTDM and Amylee. I tried my best to contain my excitement. Stampy was holding Sqaishey's hand and they stood there waiting for what we had to do next. As the host started to talk about a few things to the audience me and Samir stood next to the other youtube couple,
"So glad to meet the other cute youtube couple," Stampy went, shaking hands with us,
"I'm such a big fan, I love your videos. You're the reason why I started youtube." He chuckled but not so loud so he distracted the audience,
"Well it's always nice to meet a fan, I watched a few of both of your youtube videos and I think you're a really good musician Terra. I think you should do more music videos." Then Sqaishey randomly popped into our conversation as well,
"OMG! I absolutely love your cover on 'What are you waiting for by Nickleback'. You. Were. Awesome!"
"I see you met your role models then Terra." Phoenix flair and Dan randomly appeared next to us,
"When did you get here?!"
"Just now." Then they shook hands with everyone,
"Now we've welcomed all the Youtubers, let's get some gaming on!" We were guided over to a bunch a computers, right, let's see how this game goes. Our first game was a massive hunger games map. Let's see if I can beat my idols, probably not but hey! Might as well try. "And let it begin!" I ran over to a chest and looted it quickly then ran to the cave. No one took notice. They were too busy looting the rest of the chests, everyone knew I loved nature so they all raced to the nature like area, they first tried to kill Amy and Phoenix but they were too fast. I explored the cave and came across a chest. I opened it and it had an enchanted chain chestplate of protection II and two diamonds. All I need is a stick and a crafting table. I continued to explore the cave when Samir asked me,
"Where are you Terri? #Tell me#" the kids in the audience giggled at his singsong voice. I copied it,
"#Not telling you#" I went trailing off at the end. Just us slightly singing to each other made the other Youtubers laugh a bit. Like Samir trying to find me, Dan was trying to find Phoenix flair and Stampy trying to find Sqaishey. I carried on through the cave and came across another chest. This time it had a leather hat and boots, some cooked fish and, oh my gosh! I never thought I would be this happy for a stick. I grabbed it then I saw a gammer tag slowly moving upwards towards me. I sprinted away fast towards the middle and opened the crafting table. I put the two diamonds and stick in the 3x3 grid I just made it when I started to get hurt, it was DanTDM,"Don't you dare Dan!" I started to smite him with my OP sword.
"Nonononono!" He started running away, I chased after him and made the kill. At the bottom left hand corner the words,'DanTDM was slain by The_shy_wolf' popped up. "You win Shy." But I had other things to get on with. I was crept up on by Amy. I attacked.
"No fair! You got a diamond sword!" As she was killed,
"Looks like The_shy_wolf is on a killing spree, but will she keep it up?" I went round the corner and saw Flair looking through chests, I pounced and killed her within seconds,
"TERRA!" I giggled. Only Stampy, Sqaishey, Dan, Samir and Squid left. Right, forget I said Squid he was just killed by Sqaishey, I sprinted forwards towards some trees and spotted Dan getting chased by Stampy and Sqaishey. I waited until Dan was killed,
"AW COME ON!!" He went, then I went in for the kill and Killed both Stampy and Sqaishey just.
"Looks like only the couple is left. The husband and wife versus." I looked over at Samir, his eyes fixed on the screen. I turned back to mine and explored the map a bit more I climbed some vines to get a top a cliff and looked over. I saw Samir in the middle at the enchanting table. I climbed down the cliff slowly and crept up to him. He didn't notice. Then I struck and killed him. Everyone cheered their heads off as I made the final blow. We all shook hands and Stampy went,
"You're not a bad hunger games killer and you did it all solo. I hope you had fun."
"I did, I got to spend some time with you guys and I killed and beat you on hunger games." Stampy laughed his usual laugh, it always made me smile.
"Well congratulates on winning anyway. Also, if it's ok with Samir, do you want to come to a restaurant with me and the others tonight?" I looked over at Samir,
"I don't see why not, where and what time is it?"
"It's Lombardi's Pizza at 18:30, we'll meet you there."
"Thanks Stampy."
"Just call me Joe." Then Sqaishey chirped in again,
"And you can call me Beth."
"Just David."
"Amy will do!" Me and Amy Lee 33 must of been thinking the same thing as we both did the peace sign with our hands,"Are you a hippie?!"
"Sure am."
"SQUEAL! I'm so happy right now!" Everyone watched as Amy came over and hugged me hard. I really want to tell her but I don't know what my parents will think. And it might ruin our relationship even more. I'd better ask my mum first. But even if I know these Youtubers well and so on but this is the first time I met them in person. But you can never be too careful.

*Time skip*

I heaved my suitcase onto mine and Samir's hotel bed. Samir went to go and have a shower before we did a bit of recording. I searched through my items and yes! I brought my hippie hair cords. I don't always wear them, I usually wear them on a certain hippie occasion or video. I also had my non-permeant tattoo pens. I grabbed the blue pen and topped up my blue peace heart sign tattoo. (A heart with a peace sign merged within it) I then attached the cords to my hair after I brushed it. I then set up the recording equipment and waited for Samir.

By the way, if you're wondering, yes I am a big fan of Stampy, Sqaishey etc, and yes I'm a hippie. If you want to know my two hippie names are Melody and Sunshine, Sunny for short. If you rather refer to me as that then I'm fine with it. Now to business, the pokémon competition I'm putting on hold until I have anyone who want's to enter, but it's not just that, I have other stuff I need to do such as write this book, write the upcoming chapter of Psycho boy and Cathy. And so on, hope you enjoyed this chapter bye! Shy wolf out.

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