Love, anger and depression

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(Samir's POV)

"Queen of the galaxies?!" The queen wore a long white robe with a gold belt and her hair was amazing. Her hair flowed on it's own and it had galaxies, stars, consolations and more,
"I have to be...."
"BELLATRIX!" The queen started to look worried as a tall angel flew down in front of the queen.
"Why can't I save my daughter! She's already married for goodness sake!"
"Bellatrix, we had a deal with his father, they are a couple. The universe made them a match. It's been confirmed by the stars."
"I'm sorry your majesty but...."
"Prince of the light angels?" I flew forward towards the arguing couple,
"Yes, but if you didn't know, your daughter, Terra Herminia Vine, is my wife. And I didn't know this information about her until after she was told by Raidyn. Also if you didn't know, Raidyn, kidnapped Terra from our privet pool in an Italian hotel we were staying in. Chained her to a pole and made out with her whilst she tried to get away. And when I knocked on his door and asked to search his home for her, he shot me in the stomach with a desert eagle gun putting me in hospital. I just now had to barge my way out of the hospital by force. If you don't believe me about my injury have a look." I showed him my wound, it still put me in pain. The king was surprised by my words, but before he could say anything the queen spoke,
"Themis, Terra loves Samir and he loves her. But the more time Terra spends with Raidyn, the more she will fall in love with him."
"What! How?" I was fuming how would this happen,
"Raidyn has this power that is unknown to him. If he loves someone, through only a matter of days of spending time together they'll fall for him."
"So let me get this straight, Raidyn has a power he doesn't know about, that through only a few days, he can get someone to love him. For example, if he spends a few more days with Terra, she will eventually fall for him..."
"And ignore any past relationships. She would count you as a friend instead of a husband."
"So what."
"Themis! How could you say that?"
"I want my daughter, princess of the night, to have a decent husband that loves her with all his heart and the stars confirmed it."
"Excuuuuuse me! I love her with all my heart, I'm a decent husband and I became her boyfriend in year 11! 11! When was Raidyn ever her boyfriend?! Hmm? Look I know I'm being rude here but let's not forget I'm royalty as well, making you even more powerful. And this isn't the first time someone else fell before her."
"What! Explain!" He commanded me,
"Kimroch, the prince of darkness, fell for her."
"A dark angel! But..."
"And that got her into a lot of trouble, even causing her to almost die for the second time! And Kimroch, supposedly the most cruel hearted angel ever, saved her."
"Wa wa wait, second...time?"
"The first time was in year 11 when she was beaten up by Charlotte Brittle," I shuddered,"And her gang."
"Why was my daughter beaten up?"
"Charlotte had a massive crush on me and because I had a thing for Terra, she didn't want Terra to hit on me, so she and her gang almost beat her to death. If I hadn't of found her when I did, she would of died."
"You saved my daughter?" I nodded,
"Now can we save her again? Please Themis." Bellatrix gave puppy dogs eyes at him,"Please....."

(Terra's POV)

For some reason I'm starting to like Raidyn more now, but I'm not sure why though. At the moment we're having a movie marathon with loads of popcorn, sweets, chocolate and loads more. It was a lot of fun. At the moment we were watching: Ender's game (I recently watched this check it out, it's an awesome film😉). I snuggled up to Raidyn but I don't know why, it's like my actions want to be more romantic towards him more. Raidyn put his arm round me as we watch Ender and his team mates do the final simulation.

(Samir's POV)

"Oh fine!"
"Why so determined and angry about it? Were you forced into the deal?"
"Yes I was, and if his father finds out, he'll be furious,"
"It's been about 8 years since he sent Raidyn out to get Terra back. Shouldn't he start doubting himself?"
"You know what? Forget about what his father says, I've been parted with my daughter for too long. Where's Raidyn house?!"
"Follow me." I started to guide him and the queen of galaxies to where Raidyn lived as the sun started to set slowly.

*Time skip*

(Raidyn's POV)

Once Ender's game finished it was started to get dark, we've been watching films for that long?! We got up and I decided I should do my surprise for her now. "I've a surprise for you."
"You do?" I nodded and got up. I held my hand out to her and she accepted it. I guided her towards the secret stairs going up and opened the door and went inside.

(Terra's POV)

I was a bit reluctant to go inside but went through anyway, as I went past the doorway my clothes and hair changes. My wings grew on my back as well and I wore a navy dress with star like patterns and silver high heels and my hair, with it's highlights, was brushed to the side with waves and curls. On my neck instead of Samir's necklace I wore a diamond jewelled necklace with a crystal heart hanging down in the middle. And on my head I wore a star tiara with jewelled stars circled round it with white crystals. And in the room, so vines grew my names. "What's all this about?"
"This is your to be princess of the night coronation dress for when we got married. Obviously this is kinda useless now as you're already married." Married. I feel like that I've forgotten who I'm married to, who am I married to,
"Married? Who am I married to exactly?" He looked confused,
"Samir, he was your boyfriend in year 11?"
"I've never had a boyfriend exactly, but Samir was never boyfriend." He kept looking confused but then his confused look changed. He held out his hand,
"Terra, would you like this dance?" Slow dance music began to play, I refused,
"I-I don't know..." His calm faced changed again to a slightly angry,
'You will dance with me!" His fingers dance and the vines spelling my name zoomed over to me and tied round my waist,"Dance with me and they'll let go." Tears started to form slowly in the corner of my eyes but I pushed them them back.
"Fine...." The vine let go, and I took Raidyn's hand. As we started dancing it was like the whole vanished and he whisked me away and it was just me and him, I don't know how he does it but it's magical. But every time we turned I could just see the vines, could he control them? Does he have my element in some way? I thought it was impossible to have the same element. As we danced we didn't notice the king, queen and Samir standing in the doorway,
"Raidyn!" He just spun me behind his back holding my hand tight,

(Samir's POV)

"What do you want?!" He spoke angrily,
"Don't speak to my wife like that!"
"(Her coronation dress)" The queen gasped, I could tell that she loved how she dress, I know I did.
"I can speak to her however I want. Now leave my house, me and Terra are busy,"
"You stole my wife!" I shouted angrily, outside a storm started to brew,
"Wife? What are you talking about, I never married, you're just a friend." What Terra said hurt me bad. I clutched my hand to my chest, tiny tears slowly leaked out my eyes, but Terra didn't seem at all interested. Lighting began strike outside and it was really close by, I knew I was the one who started it.
"What have you done to her!?"
"I don't know, but I'm happy for it..." He took his available hand guided it to Terra's face and move her head to his, their lips almost touching,
"NO!" I blasted them to the opposite sides of the room. Making Terra get knocked out and only slightly hurt Raidyn. "No!" I rushed over to Terra as fast as I could, while Themis grabbed Raidyn's arm harshly and pulled him up,
"Hey! Watch it!"
"You are in a lot of trouble young man."
"What?! You're going against your agreement with my father!? You won't hear the end of this!"
I pulled Terra onto my lap and checked her over. Her eyes were closed and the colour from her cheeks started to turn white showing she's losing heat. I checked her pulse, it started to slow down,"No no no no no!"
"What is it?"
"We're losing her," I answered on the verge of tears. I'm so stupid. I basically just killed my own wife. Blood started to creep onto my hands from her head. I clung her tight and whispered into her ear,"I love you Terra, even if you forgot that I'm your husband, I love you. I will forever love you." I kissed her slowly on her lips making up every last second. I pulled away and listened to her heart. It gave it's last beat and she was gone...

I can't believe I killed Terra off, wait...that mean's I killed myself off! Well I guess you're going to have to wait for what comes next. I might write the next chapter tomorrow, depending on how I'm feeling and if I have time as I'm back at school again. Anywho, hope you enjoyed this chapter and got really mad at me 😄. Shy wolf out.

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