why even bother

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Sometimes I sit there and question, why do I even bother?
You want me to open up.
You want me to be honest.
You want me to express how I feel.
But if I'm suicidal, but if I'm honest, ill be detained.
Why say you are willing to help when all you are going to do is lock me away.

I don't want you. I don't need you.
You have done enough.
You ruined me.
I was sane, happy and full of pure innocence.
The lost child trapped in my big blue eyes shone upon the world in curiosity.
Just for you to crush my hope, to ruin my innocence, to wipe away my will to live.
You anger me so much I make stupid decisions.
Now I might have something growing inside of me.
Another innocent child not knowing how murderous this world is, not know what kind of hell that will be bestowed upon them.
I am responsible for the life of this person. I know I'm not capable.
I will give them up to somebody that can support them with the life they deserve. I know they won't be disappointed.
But I won't be there to wait 18 years. I will surely be dead.
But ill leave a note, to say my farewells.
Goodbye my love, my second life.

Dark poems Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora