Chapter 18: "You'll be fine."

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A Few Weeks Later

I let out a sigh as I looked in the mirror. Today is the day. Todoroki was behind me, gently pressing kisses to the back of my neck. I shivered at each kiss, and sparks went off with each touch of skin against skin. His fingers grazed against my stomach, then back to my waist.

"Let's see how you look without this," Todoroki whispered. He motioned towards the white binder like thing. I nodded and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I pressed record and placed it against the wall, facing me. Todoroki whispered sweet nothing's into my ear, encouraging me to go on.

With tears in my eyes, I slowly began taking the tape off. My bottom lip trembling as I looked down, being as careful I can. The doctors told me to be careful when removing because it may bleed a bit. A big breath escaped my lips as I managed to get the tape off. I slowly opened it, revealing a flat chest and scars.

My hand instantly covered my mouth as I looked at myself in the mirror. I took it off and began to take off the cotton off of my nipples. I sobbed as I placed the stuff on the counter. Gosh, it felt amazing to have it off. It felt amazing to have a flat chest.

I turned my body to the side to get a better look at my chest. "I'm flat," I whispered as tears fell down my face. "Oh, gosh. It's amazing. My chest, it's flat."

"You look amazing," Todoroki whispered. "It's all amazing, you're amazing. It's gonna heal right up, I promise."

I nodded and reached over to end the video. "Let's go, I wanna show the others." I stuffed my phone into my pocket and turned with Todoroki's arms around my waist, being careful not to touch my sensitive chest. I opened the door and saw Ashido, Kirishima, and Izuku standing there. They looked at me and gasped. I felt the tears blur my vision once again.

"You look amazing, Bakubro," Kirishima said and came over to hug me gently. Well the best he could with Todoroki being protective and almost squeezing me to death as Kiri put his arm around my shoulder. "Quit it. I won't hurt your boyfriend."

My face flushed a red. "W-We're not dating, I ju-"

"Yet," Todoroki growled. "We're not dating yet. Right Katsuki?" He pinched my hip lightly, nuzzling his nose into my neck. I cranked my neck to the side to give him more access to my lightly tanned skin.

"Umm, yeah," I mumbled. "Excuse us, I'll be right back," I said, taking Todoroki's hand in mine and dragging him to my bedroom. When we got to my room, Todoroki pinned me to the door as I shut it. He began attacking my neck, littering kisses all over my tanned skin.

"Todoroki," I moaned as my back arched. "S-Stop, please. Gotta discuss something really quick here." One more lick-which made me shiver-he backed up but still held me by the waist. With his scarred brow arched as much as it could go, I let out a sigh. "About us. What are we?"

The bi-colored male shrugged. "Can I take you out on a date this Thursday?" He asked with a really small smile. I hummed and nodded twice. His smile got wider and he hugged me gently.

I gently ran a finger against his scar, making him screw his eyes shut. "Does it still hurt when someone touches your scar?" I asked, cupping his jaw in my palm. Todoroki shook his head 'no'. "When did your mom do this?"

"When I was five."

"Do you know the reason?"

"No. But I do remember her talking to my grandma at the time it happened."

"Maybe you should try talking to her some time?"

"I did a couple weeks ago. She's getting better but they want to keep her in the hospital until September this year," Todoroki whispered. "But thank you for accepting to go on this date with me. It'll be awesome, I promise."

I smile and combed my fingers through his mixed color hair.


When I finished showing chest to the others-which they smiled and congratulated me-I finally headed upstairs. I grabbed a baby blue hoodie and sat down on my bed. Sneaking a glance at my blade, I hesitated. Instantly, my hand shot out, grabbing it and flicking it open. The sharpness of the blade pressing against my skin made my eyes water. My bottom lip wobbled as I moved the blade across my wrist. Red liquid seeped out instantly.

"No, no, no," I mumbled. I stared at the blood falling from my wrist while my other hand threw the green blade across the room. The wound stung as I held my wrist tightly, making blood seep out and drip on to the floor. I grabbed my phone and began texting one certain person.

With little sobs, I dropped my phone on to the floor and watched the blood. I took a quick sharp breath as I screwed my eyes shut. My door opened and closed, a red head quickly coming over and sitting on his knees in front of me.

"Hey, hey, Bakugou," he whispered. "Hey. It's okay. You'll be fine my dear." Kirishima began pushing my blond hair out of the way, using his hand to wipe the tears that fell from my eyes. He began whispering little things I couldn't focus on. "You'll be fine. You'll be fine, it's okay," I heard his whispers. I shook my head and squeezed my forearm harder.

"Bakugou, quit it!" Kirishima hissed as his hand went to grab my jaw and pull it up to meet his eyes. I let out a gasp as I met his dark red eyes that were filled with anger. I whimpered. "Fucking quit it! You're only going to make it worse. So you better fucking quit it." I nodded quickly as he let go of my arm. He let out a sigh. "I'm sorry."

My bottom lip trembled as I shook my head slowly. "I'm sorry, I probably bothered you from doing stuff with Izuku. It's just that I couldn't help but text you. I freaked out because I haven't cut for two months," I whispered. "Just get Todoroki, he'll help me so you can go back to Izuku. I'm sorry if I ruined it."

"Let me get you cleaned up first."

I nodded and allowed Kirishima to clean my cut and wrap in gauze. I let out a sigh as I felt the uncomfortable wrappings that were always all over my body just four months ago. I remember one day my cutting got so bad that I had to wrap gauze all over my arm, both legs, my neck and put bandages all over my body. I got questioned so much and all I said was that I loved it. When really I never loved this.

"Thanks," I whispered and wiped my eyes. Kirishima nodded and stood up. He made me stand up with him, so when I stood, he brought me into a hug. His hand tangled up in my hair while the other fisted tightly on the back of my hoodie. I hugged back instantly and felt overwhelmed. This is what I missed. The hugs that reminded me I was safe.

Kirishima left a few minutes later and now Todoroki had me in his lap. I hiccuped a few times as I had my head on the younger boys shoulder. I stared at his white hairs that rested against his nice smooth pale skin. My hand reached up to twirl the snow white hair, it feeling smooth and soft and silky.

Todoroki shuddered at the feeling, so I pressed myself closer to him. The bi colored male rested his hand against the small of my back while the other combed through my hair the best it could. I slowly leaned towards the younger boys neck and pressed my lips to his soft skin. Kissing his neck, I leaned in and kissed another spot and another and another. Each time I did though, Todoroki would stiffen and let out a breathy moan. His grip in my hair suddenly turned into a death grip, making me wince and also let out a breathy moan.

"A-Ah, fuck," I whimpered out. Flicking my tongue it grazed against his skin making the boy shiver. With each tug, I felt heat radiate off of the both of us. I nuzzled my nose into his soft skin and let out a shakey breath. "O-Okay, enough. I'm tired."

He seemed to understand, nodding and holding on to me as he moved towards my pillow. Todoroki laid down on his back making me lay on top of him. I got comfortable, being careful with my chest.

"Good night, Bakugou," Todoroki whispered as he turned off the lamp. I hummed and stuck my face into his neck.

"Night Shouto."


This one's a short chapter :/

Good news: I'm going to finish this book at chapter 24 and then there's the Epilogue!

I hope everyone's having a good day/night! Reminder that I love and appreciate each and every single one of yous!


Trans!Bakugou AU Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon