Chapter 5: Nice Bakugou..?

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Chapter 5, Katsuki Bakugou

As I get up, I smile to myself. Today was the day, I finally started being nice. I took off both my shirt and bra, then put on my binder. It takes me a full solid 3-4 minutes to put it on. Once I'm done, I grab my uniform. I slip on my shirt, then take off my pants. I then slip on my pants uniform.

Before I step out of the room, I take a deep breathe. I head down stairs.

"Good morning Kacchan," Deku waves and smiles my way.

"Morning Deku." I put on a bored face. And then I walk to the kitchen to see Todoroki and Yayarozu talking. "Can I have some tea please?" I ask politely.

Todoroki looks at me confused, while Yayarozu's face goes pale. "S-sure Bakugou," She goes and makes the tea. I smile brightly. "Here you go Bakugou." She hands me the tea.

"Thanks," I take a sip of the hot tea.

"Hey, Bakugou! Your awake!" Kirishima waves. "How are you this morning?"

"Good morning to you too," I give a small chuckle. "And I'm good, thanks to you." I whisper. He gives off a smile. The cute kind, with his adorable sharp teeth. I smile with my mouth closed.

At Class

I put my feet onto my desk as I wait. It's a habit..

"Bakugou!" Iida comes walking towards me. "Get your feet off the table, that's disrespectful to UA!"

I open my mouth to say some Crap, but stop short. "Yeah, yeah," I take my feet off the desk. His face goes pale just like Yaomomo's did. He walks off and Kaminari walks to me.

"Hey," He says in a soothing way. "Is something wrong? Like, last night, after I asked Kirishima to cuddle.. You looked panicked. And I know I was being crappy for thinking you did something with Kiri when we thought he went missing, but I'm here for you Bakugou. I'm sorry for what I said." He wipes his eye.

I reach over and wipe his eyes with my hand, "It's okay Pikachu, I know you didn't mean anything on that day. Just try not to threaten me or I'll actually end up doing something." I hear a small laugh escape from his mouth. "I'm just trying to get use to you two being together." I smile. When he looks up, his face turns from realived to confused.

"Woah," His eyes scrunch up a little. "What did you do to the mean bakugou?" He asks with a small laugh. "But seriously, why are you being so nice..?"

"I.." I look around for Kirishima. Shoot, he's talking with Ashido. "I don't know..?" I make myself sound confused. "But that doesn't matter, now go sit down."

Kaminari stays for a bit, then walks off to Kirishima. When Kirishima sees him, he wraps his arm around Kami's waist and kisses him. I flinch and look away. I let out a shakey breath.

"Your not acting like your self."

I jump and look back to see the Bi colored male. "What do you mean?" I ask casually.

"Well," Todoroki scans my body. I get a little concerned. "Your acting nice now."

"And what is that suppose to mean?" I ask looking up at his grey and teal eyes.

His eyes meet mine, "I like it." He says then walks off.

What the hell is that supposed to mean!? I ask myself. I look down as I feel my face heat up. But for real. What is that suppose to mean? I take a deep breath and look up. Aizawa of course comes in with his sleeping bag making him look like a caterpillar.

"Today, Mic will be coming in to do English" He looks over at me. "Like always." He nods a little then exits the room.

"What's up!" Mic says with his loud voice. "Can I get a hoorah?" He puts his hand to his ear, leans forward and waits for us. Of course none of us do it. "Alright, let's just start then."

After the lesson

We all get up to go to lunch. Thank God, cause I'm so hungry! Kirishima comes over and talks with me. Which is very nice.

"I can tell your gonna be an amazing hero one day Bakubro." He looks down. What about you? "All I know is that I'm gonna be behind you all when you become great pros."

I stop him and face him. "What the hell? Don't doubt yourself, your gonna become a great hero with me. Who knows, you might even end up going ahead of me." I place my hand on his shoulder. "Your gonna become a fine hero. And we are gonna get there together."

"Bakugou.." Kirishima's voice shakes as he speaks. "Thank you!" He pulls me into a hug. "Your so manly! I can't wait until we're pros.." Tears fall onto my uniform and soak through.

"Stop crying," I chuckle. "Your manly too, and such a great friend." I squirm around a little. "Now stop, your making it difficult to breathe.." I whisper.

"Oh!" He quickly lets go. "I'm so sorry!" He wipes his eyes and whispers: "Forgot you have a binder"

"Nah, I'd perfer to call it a chest." I smirk. He lets out a laugh and we make our way to the cafeteria.

After school, Kirishima's Room

I quickly stand up from my little group. "I need to go." I say clutching my shirt. Since when did it go from eight hours to six?! It's not even that long!

"Are you okay?" Mina quickly gets up, Kirishima does the same afterwards.

I nod and rush out of Kiri's room. I rush to my room next to Kirishima's.

Shutting the door behind, I lock it and quickly take off my shirt. Soon enough, my binder is off and I have my shirt and bra on. I sit in the corner by the door.

Tick! Tick!

Some one knocks at my door.

"Kid, it's me," I hear the tiredness in the voice, whom I know is Aizawa. "Can you let me in?" He asks.

I get up and unlock the door. I open it and he rushes in so no one sees. He shuts and locks the door behind while I turn around.

"Are you okay? Kirishima told me as soon as you left," Aizawa says. "Do you need anything?" He asks.

I nod. "I need a new binder. The time cut short in that one." I point at the black cropped binder on the floor. "I just need a new one so I can last longer during the day."

"I'll get you a new one right away," Aizawa rubs my shoulder. "Do you need anyone?" He asks.

"Just Ashido."

"Alright, I'll get her in here and go get your binder" Aizawa says.


He heads out and soon enough Mina comes in.

"Bakugou! Are you okay?!" She quickly grabs me and hugs me.

"Is the door locked?" I ask worriedly. She nods.

"Is that binder getting to small?" She asks in a whisper.

"Yes. Aizawa is getting me a new one now." I break the hug. "Sorry I had to leave right away. I just ruined it all.." I scratch my arm.

"No, no, No! I understand!" She grabs my shoulders. "I understand that you have to leave for stuff like this! It's okay!" She says.

I smile, "Thanks." I smile.

Here's chapter 5! Sorry it's so short, I'll try to make chapter 6 longer. I hope this was fine as I think it's crappy.


(Yes I am aware that is Bakugou's birthday a few days ago. In the next update will be a little birthday thing for him. So yeah, that should be coming up in a few days or so)

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