Part 13

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I must say that the Cloud Recesses are beautiful. The soft sounds of nature and the environment itself are quite calming. The Alphas enjoy the sight of me looking around in wonder. To them it's an endearing sight. It doesn't take long for us to reach the room where the physician is waiting. Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen remain outside while the three of us walk inside.

Inside an older male is waiting for us and he greets us as soon as we are inside. When the pleasantries are done, I'm told to sit down. I do as I'm told but not without dragging my Alphas with me. The physician doesn't seem to mind their presence and gently grabs my wrist. When after a while that's all he does, I can't contain my curiosity anymore. ''Is that it? He only needs to hold my wrist?'' Wei Wuxian chuckles and strokes my hair. ''Yes. Not scary at all is it.'' I pout and mumble ''You could have told me.''

Wei Wuxian pinches my cheeks ''Ahh how cute. Lan Zhan did you see our adorable Omega pout?'' ''Hn I saw. Cute.'' My face flames red ''I-I'm not c-cute.'' Wei Wuxian just laughs at that and Lan Zhan smiles softly. It takes a little longer for the physician to finish and when he does it's with a frown on his face. This causes the Alphas to be on immediate alert and for me to get scared.

''Well I have some good news and bad news. Would you like for the family waiting outside to enter as well? One of the things I'm about to tell you is quite important and it may be good for them to know as well.'' Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan look at each other with serious faces before looking at the pale Omega in between them. Without any verbal communication the Alphas decide to let the two inside. It's obvious to see they are also surprised to be let inside.

Once everyone is inside and seated the physician speaks up once again. ''Would you like the good news first?'' The physician looks at me and the Alphas. 'I could use some good news now.' I nod at the physician telling him to go ahead. ''Well then. Congratulations Second young master Lan, young master Wei and young master Mo.'' He bows before continuing. ''Young master Mo is currently carrying a pup. How auspicious to conceive this quickly.''

The trio is silent as they let the news sink in. It doesn't take long for a big smile to appear on Wei Wuxian's face and a soft and gentle smile on Lan Zhan's. ''A pup! We are going to be parents! Ah thank you (y/n)!'' He peppers my face with kisses while I'm still in shock from the news. It was only recently I learned I could get pregnant after all. It will take some time getting used to this. It looks like everyone is happy with the news though. Lan Xichen is smiling gently and even the stern Lan Qiren has a small smile on his face.

Seeing the happy faces around me, I can't help but smile a little as well. Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan hug me tightly, showing me their happiness. After a bit of hugging it's Lan Zhan who comes back to himself first. ''What is the bad news?'' 'Ah right there was bad news as well. There isn't anything wrong with the pup is there!?' Unconsciously I move one of my hands to my lower belly while releasing distress pheromones. The Alphas are quick to smother me between them.

''Young master Mo has obviously been through a lot. He is underweight and his body is weak because of it. He needs to get healthier to ensure a safe pregnancy and delivery. I can tell he's gained a bit of weight in the last month and I don't mean pregnancy weight. Whatever the two of you were doing the last month has helped a lot. You need to make sure to keep that up.''

I let out a sigh of relief at that. It doesn't sound too bad. I was planning on working on my health anyways. I just hope the pup will not be affected. The sudden urge to protect the life growing inside me is overwhelming, but I easily embraced it.

''Now the reason why I wanted Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren to be here.'' A silence envelops the room as everyone listens intently to the healer's words. ''While checking young master Mo, I found out he has a golden core.'' You could hear a pin drop as the silence continues. I don't understand the importance of those words, but seeing the astonishment on the faces of everyone present, I could tell it's probably a big deal.

WeiWuxian/LanWangji x M!omegareaderWhere stories live. Discover now