Part 4

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Both Alphas look at the collapsed form of the Omega in Lan Zhan's arms. Finally their triad is complete. Only the knowledge of how this all happened fills them with regret. unfortunately there's nothing to be done about it now. They both dress their Omega and then themselves. Lan Zhan carries their precious Omega in his arms as they walk away to find a town with an inn, so they can rest and hopefully get to know their Omega.

Obviously their Omega has suffered a lot in the past. The scars, cuts and bruises on his body are enough to tell them such. The fact that their Omega is clearly underweight is also quite worrying. They could clearly see his ribs. Of course both Alphas will take great care of their Omega and make sure he'll never want for anything. Their Omega will never go hungry again, but of course they first need to earn his forgiveness.

Wei Wuxian is quite worried about this fact and Lan Zhan notices this. ''Wei Ying.'' When Lan Zhan has his attention he continues. ''Don't worry.'' When Lan Zhan tells him not to worry, Wei Wuxian can't help but believe him. Just like always. Lan Zhan doesn't say this without a reason. He saw the way the Omega reached out towards Wei Ying. He believes their Omega will forgive them and give them a chance to prove themselves.

After a while of walking they reach a city. They immediately ask a passerby for the closest inn and get a room there. ''Should we bathe him first?'' ''Hn.'' Since the Omega's clothes are filthy and threadbare they decide to split up. One of them will bathe the Omega while the other buys some clothes. Wei Ying is the one to buy some clothes while Lan Zhan bathes him.

He is very thorough and makes sure the Omega's insides are also clean. While he is drying him off, Wei Ying returns with new clothes. While picking out these clothes he purposefully chose a robe that has both Alphas' colors. Black and light blue. He is still an Alpha after all and is thus quite possessive of his mates. Having the Omega wear the same colors satisfies him.

When Lan Zhan sees the robe, he immediately knows the reasoning behind his choice and he hn's his approval of Wei Ying's choice. They both dress the Omega and lay him down on the bed, making sure he is covered by the blanket. They don't know when he'll wake up, so they make sure to watch him carefully.

Before they left the location of the Mating run they heard an update from the sects they warned. They managed to arrest the Alphas and save the Omegas. Wei Ying asked them to find out about where their Omega came from and how he got there. Now that their Omega is clean and dressed properly, they are finally able to take the time to see his features properly. ''Ah he'll fit right in with us. It only makes sense for a beauty as you and a handsome man as I, to have such a cute beauty as an Omega.'' Lan Zhan stays silent while looking at the Omega. 

He has to admit that the Omega is indeed beautiful and will fit right in. Wei Ying slings an arm around Lan Zhan's shoulder. ''Ah we'll make such a pretty picture standing together. Everybody will be jealous of us haha. Oh and think about the beautiful babies we'll make. Our Omega has the perfect hips for pregnancy and birth after all. We'll probably have many babies if our Omega wants to.'' The tips of Lan Zhan's ears turn red. ''Hn.'' Wei Ying laughs and finally sits down. Lan Zhan sits down across from Wei Ying. They've been at the inn for an hour when they hear knocking on the door.

WeiWuxian/LanWangji x M!omegareaderWhere stories live. Discover now