Part 9

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The Omega is looking around with big eyes and a bright smile on his face. The curiosity obvious in his face. Even though the childlike curiosity and innocence is quite endearing to the Alphas, it hurts them to know why their Omega is like this. The fact that their Omega hasn't seen such a mundane sight before is heartbreaking to the Alphas. It's obvious that their Omega has never been outside the Mo estate before. Even though their Omega is very curious, it's obvious he's not used to such crowded places as he sticks closely to the Alphas' sides. Wei Ying grabs the Omega's hand so they can walk hand in hand. Because the Omega is so distracted, he doesn't notice this and just holds on to the hand. Lan Zhan decides to do the same and now the three of them are walking hand in hand.

The closer they get to the Mo estate the more their Omega loses his smile. They both grip the Omega's hand tightly letting him know they are there for him. For the Omega the presence of his Alphas is reassuring. He grips the hands back to let the Alphas know he is alright.

When we get closer to my former home, the more anxious I become. Luckily my Alphas are here. I don't know when they started to hold my hands, but I quite like it. The feeling of being taken care of is something I have missed for a long time.

We have finally arrived at the estate. The servant at the gate doesn't notice me at first and greets the two Alphas before turning to me. When he does he finally notices who I am. It's obvious he is shocked to see me here but he doesn't say anything. ''This humble servant asks for the reason why these esteemed cultivators are here.''

Wei Ying steps forward and in the process lets go of my hand. ''We want to meet with the head of the Mo family. We have some things to discuss.'' Wei Ying smiles a fake smile. The servant knows that cultivators are highly regarded and need to be treated with respect. So even though he knows the disgraceful Omega is with them, he hurriedly runs into the estate to tell madame Mo about the visitors.

While waiting for the servant to come back, the Omega gets increasingly more worried as time slowly passes. The Alphas do their best to support their Omega, releasing their comforting pheromones to help their Omega to calm down.

''It's going to be alright (y/n). You can ignore everyone and everything. Except for us of course! We would be very sad if you ignore us. Lan Zhan may even cry!'' Wei Ying jokes so that the Omega can relax a bit. Fortunately it helps when he sees the pout Wei Ying gives him. The Omega even releases a chuckle when he sees the silly Alpha in front of him. ''Ah that's my sweet Omega.'' He smiles and turns to Lan Zhan. ''See Lan Zhan our Omega doesn't want to see you cry!'' Lan Zhan remains motionless even though his ears are tinted red ''ridiculous.'' Wei Ying just chuckles.

The servant returns and quickly guides the trio inside. The Omega is walking in between the Alphas holding on to both of their sleeves. They follow the servant to a room where Madam Mo, her husband and her son are waiting. During the walk even Wei Ying has stopped smiling. Thinking of the reason why they are there makes him take on a serious approach. Both Alphas make sure to keep an eye on the wellbeing of their Omega.

They finally reach their destination and walk inside the room to stand in front of the Mo family. Even though Madam Mo and her husband manage to keep straight faces when they see the Omega, their son is unable to keep the disgust off of his face before he quickly takes on a neutral face again. Of course this doesn't escape the keen eyes of the Alphas entering the room.

When we finally head inside the room, I make sure to keep my gaze on the floor. I can feel their gaze on me and I know they aren't friendly gazes. When we finally stop walking I pull the Alphas more towards me so I can hide a bit behind them. Luckily my Alphas don't mind me manhandling them. 'They truly are good Alphas.' I smile a bit at the thought, but my smile is quickly wiped off my face when I hear the voice of my aunt.

''And to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?'' I can practically hear the sneer in her voice. She keeps a smile on her face to make a good impression on the cultivators, thinking that they didn't hear the sneer in her voice. As always Wei Ying is the one to speak up ''I think you are well aware why we are here Madam.'' The smile on her face becomes more stiff. ''You might not know this, but cultivators consider Omegas to be precious. So imagine our surprise when we, after months of searching, find our Omega in a Mating run. Not only was our dear Omega in a Mating run, but he was also sold by his own family. So of course we started to investigate while taking care of our Omega, who was in a terrible state. When we found out about these facts, we of course wanted to talk to the family who would dare to lay a hand on our fated mate. So here we are. Does that answer your question?''

WeiWuxian/LanWangji x M!omegareaderWhere stories live. Discover now