Part 15

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It's been a week since we've come to the Cloud Recesses and I couldn't be happier. My Alphas take great care of me and make sure to work on my health by feeding me all kinds of delicious things. In the beginning the food was very bland, but the Alphas noticed that the food didn't interest me as much as all the delicious food we ate on the way to the Cloud Recesses, so after that the food became more tasty and steadily my appetite increased.

I was really shocked the first time I heard about all the rules in this place. Some of them are just ridiculous and others were obvious rules like 'no killing'. I had some difficulty with these rules. These people don't know how to have fun with all these rules. Luckily Wei Ying was quick to teach me how to break some of them and seeing Lan Zhan turning a blind eye, I quickly started to enjoy my time here even more. I even enjoy the lessons in writing, reading and second genders. I can't help but feel proud every time I get better at writing or reading or when I gain more knowledge about certain subjects. Of course the way my Alphas praise me has a lot to with it.

Today is the day Wei Ying's family comes to the Cloud Recesses to meet me. Of course I'm terribly nervous and keep checking if I look alright. The Alphas gave me plenty of new clothes, so at least I have decent clothes to wear. I keep checking my clothes and hair to make sure I'm presentable. Suddenly a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind.

''My sweet dear (y/n) you look absolutely ravishing. There's no need to be nervous my siblings and uncle will absolutely adore you.'' It doesn't escape my notice how he doesn't mention Madam Yu. I've noticed this a couple of times when Wei Ying mentions his family. 'They must not have a good relationship.' I shake away the thought and turn around to face Wei Ying ''I can't help but be nervous. They are your family, I want them to like me.'' ''And they will love you.'' Wei Ying kisses me on the lips before releasing me and grabbing my hand. ''Let's go!''

Wei Ying's excitement is enough to calm my nerves and I quickly follow him to the room his family is at. Wei Ying opens the door to the room and I see my other Alpha standing up and walking towards us. Lan Zhan kisses me on the forehead as Wei Ying runs towards his family and starts to talk excitedly. Lan Zhan wraps one arm around my waist and we start to walk forwards towards the Jiang family.

When we stop in front of the Jiang family, Wei Ying quickly returns to my other side and starts to introduce us to each other. ''Ah (y/n) this is the best shijie in the world Jiang Yanli and my brother Jiang Cheng, this is madam Yu and uncle Jiang. Everyone this is our sweet Omega (y/n).'' Wei Ying grins brightly at his family as he introduces his Omega. ''N-nice to meet you.'' I bow and they do the same.

''It's very nice to finally meet you.'' Uncle Jiang says. ''I hope our A-Ying has treated you well so far.'' ''Y-yes. Both my Alphas are treating me very well.'' Uncle Jiang smiles. ''That's good to hear. Let's sit down for some tea.'' We all sit down at the table and of course my Alphas are on either side of me as usual. Wei Ying is quick to start talking with his brother and sister catching up on all the times they missed together.

Meanwhile Uncle Jiang tries to make some small talk with me. I try my best to answer as I'm still a bit nervous, uncle Jiang notices this and is patient with me and tries to calm me down. The presence of my Alphas next to me helps a lot and Lan Zhan is quick to help me where he can. It's obvious madam Yu isn't happy to be here as her silence speaks a thousand words.


I'm in the last month/ 2 months of college, which means I'm very busy now. Once I'm done with college I can write more and then I plan to finish the story. I hope you guys still have the patience to hang in there with me. Hopefully it won't take long. Thnxx for sticking with me so far ^^

- Chey

WeiWuxian/LanWangji x M!omegareaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum