Part 8

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The next time I wake up, both Alphas are already awake. This time I notice I'm lying in Wei Ying's arms. I look up from his chest to see him smiling down at me. ''Good morning my cute Omega.'' Once again my face flushes red. ''G-good morning.'' 'I'll need to get used to this.' I look behind me and don't see my other Alpha in the room. Before I can start worrying, Wei Ying speaks up. ''Lan Zhan is getting food for us. So we have to get up and get dressed.'' I nod at him and start to get up. Wei Ying reluctantly releases me from his arms and gets up himself. Just when we both finish putting on our robes, Lan Zhan returns. He's carrying some dishes and an employee behind him does the same. They both put the dishes on the table before the employee leaves again. Wei Ying walks towards Lan Zhan ''Lan Zhan. Where's my morning kiss?'' He points to his lips.

Lan Zhan gets up and kisses Wei Ying on the lips. Wei Ying smiles at him and then turns around to face their Omega. Meanwhile the Omega already has red dusted on his face. Wei Ying stops in front of the Omega and points to his lips again. ''Where's my morning kiss (y/n)?'' I look up at him to see him looking expectantly at me. He keeps standing there patiently. I shuffle forwards a bit, stand on my toes and shyly give him a peck on the lips.

He smiles and kisses me again. Lan Zhan walks towards us and also looks at me expectantly. So I do the same to him and peck his lips. Before I can step back, Lan Zhan grabs the back of my head to keep kissing me. After all the morning kisses have been given, it's finally time to eat.

While eating, it's Wei Ying who keeps talking and encouraging the Omega to speak as well. Slowly but surely the Omega comes out of his shell and smiles more. Both the Alphas and the Omega learn more about each other.

After eating Wei Ying asks the Omega if he can do his hair. The Omega shyly agrees and sits in front of Wei Ying. The long hair of the Omega is tangled and held together with a piece of rope. The Alpha promises to himself to replace the piece of rope, in the near future, with something befitting their beautiful Omega.

Wei Ying is doing my hair and it's quite an enjoyable feeling. When Wei Ying takes out the rope, my hair falls down and frames my face. My hair is quite long since I didn't have the means to cut it. It now comes down to mid-thigh. Lan Zhan is sitting next to me and is observing us. When my hair falls down, Lan Zhan grabs a lock of it. I look at him questionably wondering what he is doing. Lan Zhan kisses the lock of hair in his hands while maintaining eye contact with me. ''Beautiful.'' When Lan Zhan's soft murmur reaches my ears, I can't help but blush. 'No one has ever said such a thing about me.'

Wei Ying smiles to himself and keeps carding his fingers through the Omega's hair. The Omega closes his eyes and enjoys the feeling. Wei Ying decides to put the Omega's hair in a ponytail with the rest of his hair loose. This way their beautiful Omega can show of his smooth and silky long hair. 'Ha we'll make that family see the mistake they made.'

When Wei Ying is done, Lan Zhan helps me stand up. When standing up I feel a bit dizzy, but Lan Zhan keeps a tight grip on me. Lan Zhan looks at me worriedly while I regain my balance. I smile at him to show him I'm fine. ''I'm alright. Just a bit dizzy. I probably stood up to fast.'' Lan Zhan loosens his grip a bit, but doesn't let the Omega go. Wei Ying walks next to us. ''Ah look at you so cute.'' Wei Ying smiles at me. I smile back at him while grabbing a lock of my hair. 'I've never worn my hair this way. It really has become long.' Wei Ying throws his arm around Lan Zhan's shoulder. ''Don't you agree Lan Zhan.'' Lan Zhan nods ''Hn.'' I smile shyly at them, still not used to all the praise they give me.

''It's time to go.'' When I hear Wei Ying say this the smile leaves my face and I start to fidget with the hem of my robes. Wei Ying takes his arm off of Lan Zhan's shoulder and grabs my hands. ''Don't worry (y/n) just stay close to us. You don't have to speak with them nor listen to them. Let your Alphas take care of everything for you.'' Lan Zhan steps closer and hugs me while pushing my face close to his neck. The aroma of sandalwood enters my nose and immediately calms me down. After a bit Lan Zhan speaks up. ''Calm now?'' I lift my face up and smile at him. 'My Alphas will take care of me.'

When I'm finally calmed down, we depart from the inn. When we are outside both Alphas send out a message. When they are done they both walk on either side of me. Last time I couldn't enjoy the sights around me since I wasn't really in the right mindset. Now that I feel safe my curiosity starts to show. I look around at all the sights around me. 'There are so many people here. I've never seen such a lively atmosphere before.' The streets are filled with stalls selling all sorts of things. Most of the things I don't recognize.

WeiWuxian/LanWangji x M!omegareaderWhere stories live. Discover now