Chapter 14

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The Lies Between Us

R-18. (RAYOR – Read At Your Own Risk) (NFK – Not For Kids)

14 - Hate This Girl

It was 10 pm when Jim got back to the hotel where he and Tait were staying at. He was looking for his best friend and was surprised to learn that Tait had been working out for 3 hours since the filming ended. Nash called him to check on their highest paid superstar because his phone was unattended.

He scrunched his face when he saw the guy covered in sweat lifting weights.

"Tay, what are you doing?" Jim saw Tait's bodyguard approaching.

"His ears don't function. He has those wireless things in." Yul gestured his hand to his ears. Jim nodded pacing straight towards Tait.

"What the..." Tait let go of the weights above him turning around to see who pulled his airpods out.

"Dude, what the hell is this?" Jim inquired concerned. His best friend hates working out otherwise something's up. At this rate, something really is up if his best friend hit the gym after a schedule of filming.

"Hey man, are you free tonight? Let's grab some drinks. You, me plus Yul." Tait tapped his shoulder drying his face with a towel. "I'll just shower."

When they reached Tait's suite, Jim stepped in his way before he could enter his bathroom. Tait gave him a questioning look.

"I'll come with you even though I know there's a 100 percent chance Rian would slap me but at least tell me why getting me in trouble's worth it?" Jim asked hoping that Tait's problem isn't about another scandal once again.

Yul cleared his throat getting the two boys attention on him.

"What?" Tait asked.

"I don't think going out tonight's a good idea since your schedule tomorrow is at 6am."

Jim gestured his hand welcoming Yul's opinion.

Tait pinched the bridge of his nose. "Oh come on we won't be drinking a lot."

"Why are we drinking again?" Yul asked smugly knowing very well why. He was just trying to trap Tait into admitting his dilemma to his best friend.

"Oh fuck you. I'm calling a replacement." Tait groaned making his way to his bath muttering things.

"Can't trust people nowadays, goddammit." Next thing they heard was a loud shut of the door.

"What happened?"



"More or less. I think it's best if he's the one to tell you. It's kind of embarrassing."

Tait can overhear the conversation from the bath tub. His plan was just to shower but since he's got a lot on his mind to clear out, a nice warm bath is his best option. He let himself sink in the water when it started to get to his waist as flashes of what happened earlier came to mind.

As soon as Director called action, his actor switch took over getting Abe Anerky's character under his skin.

Lisie's Vaia Winters was pacing slowly in front of him like a goddess in the night. In the script, he invited Vaia to his secret hideout to convince her to take back what she said in the family's dinner table. Abe got furious that he's planned this whole thing out to control the situation.

Abe has always been one to just go with the flow, taking orders from his cousin and doing his job right to perfection. There wasn't much option for him. He thinks that because he was taken in by his cousin's parents, he has to give back to the people who took care of him. But when it comes to Vaia, his instinct to protect her and to completely possess her immediately breaks his own rules.

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