Chapter 30

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Warning: There are mentions of drug use in this chapter.

The Lies Between Us

30 – Tait

I stare at my girlfriend's face sleeping soundly on the queen size bed. I wanted to beat myself up for arriving late but things already happened. Looking at her now made me feel a lot worse. How I wish I've gotten the earliest flight to Seoul when I know I could do it. So I could explain everything to her before she finds out the truth. But with my dad's condition, I know I wouldn't be able to. I just don't have the heart to leave the old man alone.

I sprinted towards her just to catch her before she falls. The media around us were notorious.

"May we please give them space! I thought the media isn't allowed to enter beyond closed doors. I want to speak with the head security right now!" I heard Saint scolding the journalists.

"Lisie? Babe?" I tapped her face lightly to check if she can still respond. In the span of knowing her, I already concluded that her body is weak to stressful environment. I shook my head remembering the time she fainted on set. She shouldn't let herself be like this.

I thought if I wasn't around, then it could get messier. That's why I'm thankful to Soo for organizing everything. If it wasn't for her, I'd still be stuck in the airport at this hour.

"You're weak when you're stressed, even weaker when you're drunk." I whispered. The last time she got drunk with me was at Rian's party. And boy, Lisie and alcohol was definitely a deadly combo. I know because she can light the fire in me quicker than anyone else with that alone.

"Look's like my girlfriend's still hungover."

I smirked when I heard her groan. "Tait..."

"Let's go home."

What happened with Yanna was nothing I couldn't handle. Though I wished I busted her out way sooner, it'll save me a lot of headaches.

"This is my cousin's villa. You could stay here for a while." I took Yanna with us in Shanghai where it'll be less inconspicuous for the media to speculate. That and it's also near Korea where we'll be heading into next. I'll just stop by at my dad's place in Australia then after that, I'll be going to Lisie.

She looked around the property, her eyes wandering at every corner while Nash kept giving me the look. I couldn't call him out on it because he and his athlete caught Yanna hugging me in my office the other day. But shit, don't they trust me enough when I said I'm in love with my girl friend and wouldn't even imagine betraying her?

"Um, can you leave us for a while?" Yanna looked over my manager who bluntly raised an eyebrow at her.

"For real?" Nash smirked. Even in a hundred years, I don't think you could ever order this guy around. Except maybe his girl.

"Just tell me what you want, he won't leave me alone."

She sat gracefully on the couch pouring her own cup of tea. "I still have our old videos you know..."

Was she implying something? Well, if she's still after me for clout then I doubt this woman will ever change. No matter what her motive is, I've already moved two steps ahead of her. She left me with no choice.

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