Chapter 22

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The Lies Between Us

22 – Don't Play With Me

"Yeah, we can meet tomorrow...hmm, another dance off? You sure about that?"

Tait listens as Lisie smiles talking to someone on the phone. They were now driving back to the barn house because Soo had let her best friend know it's time to go.

Their talk by the sea went well. He thought since that he was being honest to her then it meant he's expressed himself genuinely towards her. Still, he couldn't help himself but to feel selfish.

"You owe me a latte." She giggles softly. "No I did not! You lost to me."

Tait was starting to get annoyed. She's been on the phone just minutes after they left the beach that he's about to to think she's actually talking to a suitor. At first, he thought she was talking to Saint, but then she started talking about dancing and showing off so he canceled that thought. Saint doesn't look like the type to enjoy dance offs plus he saw him trying his best to shake his ass at the director's party only to fail miserably so it's definitely not him.

The words he told her about the outcomes of her decision was a bit half-hearted on his part. Especially the option where he's willing to be just a friend. It was hard saying those words because he knows it would crush his ego if she completely turns him down.

Call him a hypocrite but the minute he finds out there's another guy to even attempt to challenge his pursuit of Lisie, then he'll definitely play dirty.

His knuckles turned white holding the steering wheel driving a hundred and fifty. He was so focused on the torture the other poor guy will get from him inside his head when Lisie yelled at him.

"Tait, slow down!"

His right foot settled quickly on the middle while shifting gears. The speedometer tick went down to 90 calming down his passenger.

"What's your problem?" Lisie frantically asked to which Tait apologized quickly.

"Don't worry, I won't let us crash." He persuaded. He noticed she wasn't anymore talking to her phone. Instead, she's taking slow deep breaths while closing her eyes. This made him decide to go even slower.

How he hated driving down at 80. He took another deep breath trying to keep a straight face when he thought he's so willing to give in to anything and everything she wants.

When he saw Lisie finally calming down clutching his jacket, questions poured in his mind. Ever since he admitted his feelings to her, he's been hesitant to ask things that might make her think he's too much too smitten.

Not that it's false, it's just that, he's shy about it.

"So,'s Saint?" Tait asked. He didn't need to look at her to know that she's raising a brow.

"You're asking about Saint?"


Tait waited patiently hoping to get a hint about that last phone call.

"He's busy doing his final paper. When I don't have a lot for a day, he'll make the most of it by drowning himself with research. He's about to get a master's degree, you know?" Lisie narrated proud of her friend/assistant/bodyguard.

"Ah..."Tait nodded like he's interested. Zero mention of dancing.

Now he knows she's talking to someone else.

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