Who I Am

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Who I Am

Who Am I
I'm a free verse in the sky
The word not spoken
The song not played
Maybe a melody broken
By the silence that remained
In the darkest night.
I am the trace left bright
By a stranded shooting star.
My soul is peace
My skin is war
I'm a sweet kiss
I'm warm and tender
Or cold and dry
I'm a loud laughter
Or a silent cry.
I'm the green grass in the meadow
Or a palm tree on the sand
I'm a flower bright and yellow
That lies fresh cut in your hand
I'm all yours... I'm all mine
I'm the endless march of time
Or a bit, a second that ticked
And vanished away
I'm the sacred psalm to pray
Or a sin, forbidden, wicked.
I am everything
Or nothing
I'm just this
A sudden bliss.

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