Insecurities (part 1)

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Disclaimer: Baekhyun in this one has a very toxic mindset when it comes to how he looks and how other people sees and thinks of him. It doesn't matter how other people see you or thinks of you, your opinion matters the most, just be a good person.
There are mentioning of anorexia and bulimia too so if you feel triggered by that, don't read this.

Baekhyuns pov:

So in my school, I am a pretty popular guy, I'm very extroverted, I love meeting new people and have a lot of friends. The thing that means the most to me is that the people in my life are happy.
It's okay that Im not happy as long as the people I care about are happy.

I care a lot about how I look too, I often diet and I take at least 3 hours to get ready in the morning, that's just makeup and clothes mind you.
I have my friends sometimes joking about me being bold one day cuz I very often dye my hair, but I'm always told that it suits me better than my natural hair color.
I've often also been complimented for my skin being very clear, my eyes are big and pretty, and many girls are jealous of how skinny I am as well. Since day one I've convinced people I'm just naturally skinny and I have a very fast metabolism. That's not exactly the case. Yes I am pretty skinny naturally but the extra layer of "skinniness", if that's a word, comes from my dieting that often leads to me being very tired every day, but I try to convince myself that if I keep doing it, I'm strong, and I'll be happy with the result, and the people around me will also be happy with how I look. So my food intake throughout the day is always, lots of water and some fruits. Whenever me and my friends are sitting in the cafeteria eating, I will have my water bottle, an apple and to make sure my friends won't notice it, I buy a sandwich and eat it, but throws it up again before next lesson. I always bring my toothbrush and toothpaste so my breath won't smell when I leave the bathroom.

Y/N pov:

I moved to Korea last year because of my, now ex, boyfriend. He broke up with me a couple of weeks ago, because I couldn't give him "what he wanted". He has been with multiple women and loves sex, as in really loves it. When we first got together he was a pure gentleman and when he one day was asking for my consent to be more intimate, I would say no because I didn't feel ready. At first he was like okay that's fair I'll wait then. After like a month we had still not been more intimate with each other and it started to frustrate him. I'm 20 years old and yes I am actually still a virgin, but I've always thought to myself the man that I'll lose my virginity to, he'll be special, I will know for sure this man I love him and I can feel comfortable giving myself completely to him. I never got to feel that way with my ex, and so he got sick of waiting and the last time he asked and I refused, he told me he couldn't do this anymore and that I was "boring". The break up did of course hurt, for a while I kept thinking this is my fault, if I had given in he would never have left, I loved this man and he loved me.. right?

I remember I broke down in tears when my friend asked about how it was going between me and him. She was furious with him and told me multiple times, he's not worth it, if he actually loved me he wouldn't have left just because I didn't want sex. 

So now I'm living in my own apartment, a little smaller than the one my ex lives in, but it's good enough for me. The people that I go to school with have been very welcoming and I gained a couple of friends pretty quickly. I'm a bit of an introvert, but I am very social around my close friends and if we end up talking to new people, I will always let my friends talk first and I'll kind of just join in on the conversations. 

In school there is this guy who I am very much interested in. His name is Byun Baekhyun and he has soft looking dark brown hair, brown eyes and often wears very skinny jeans and loose tshirts. He has very soft facial features and his eyes I can pretty much describe them as being like the eyes of an adorable puppy. His smile shines brighter than the sun and he's very extroverted. Many of the girls are into him. He comes off as a very nice guy, not like he has a big ego despite all the attention that he gets. I really want to talk to him, but because I'm so freaking shy and terrified of rejection I haven't been able to talk to him. 

"Wanna help me hand out invites for my birthday this weekend?". My friend Yoohyeon and I were sitting outside eating lunch. It's very sunny and not windy at all, very nice late spring weather. Yoohyeon's lunchbox consists of rice, pieces of sushi and some vegetables. Mine also had rice, but I'm not the biggest fan of fish in general so I had two chicken breasts cut into smaller pieces and some vegetables. 
"Sure thing" I mumble and starts chewing on some chicken.
Yoohyeon is very social, she's the type of person everyone likes to be around, she has no problem just walking up to random people and start talking, she has a very fun and bright personality.
She'll turn 21 this weekend.
"It's gonna be so much fun I can guarantee it!" She says with lots of excitement.
Cute I think to myself and smiles.
Right after she said that Baekhyun walks out of the main door, and I can feel my heart starting to beat 10 times as fast.
Why is he so handsome?
His dark brown hair just falls down softly, not very styled yet it shines and looks so soft I can't help but imagine myself running my hand through his hair, he's wearing pretty subtle black eyeliner that makes his puppy eyes stand more out, black skinny ripped jeans that makes me wonder if he isn't dying of heat and a plain white tshirt.
Immediately Yoohyeon gets up, grabs my hand and drags me over to Baekhyun.
"Wow wait Yooh what are you-".
"Oh hey Yoohyeon" Baekhyun says. I feel my cheeks starting to burn and I try my best not to shake.
"Hey Baek I just wanted to ask you if you got time this weekend? I'm hosting my 21st birthday" Yoohyeon says and smiles.
"Oh yeah sure why not" he says.
He looks over at me and I try to cover my cheeks with my hair, to avoid him seeing how red my face definitely is right now.
"You're Y/N right? We haven't really talked have we?" He asks and smiles. That beautiful smile of his..
"Uh no we uh we haven't.. its nice to meet you Baekhyun" I try my best to avoid my voice sounding shaky and look him in the eyes while talking.
"It's nice to meet you too" he says, still smiling and I feel like fainting.

"Why did you do that?" I ask Yoohyeon after school.
"Did what?" She asks pretending she doesn't know.
"You know what I mean" I say and sighs.
"I invited the man that you like, you're welcome" she says and winks.       

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