Womanizer(part 3)

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"Holy shit, you look amazing!".
It's the day of the party.. yay.. 
Me and Luna had been out, buying new outfits for the beach party and honest to god, I did not feel comfortable showing this much skin. Most people would definitely find me silly or weird.
I was wearing a short light pink dress with V neck, so there was some cleavage showing, and I hated it, I kept trying to pull the dress up, so you wouldn't see it but it was almost impossible to do so. I was also wearing basic white ballerina shoes, Luna tried to get me to buy some white high heals sandals, but no fucking way, my feet can't take high heels for more than 2-3 hours, before they desperately scream for my sneakers.
I did my makeup like I usually do, that is just mascara, but added some white glitter for my eyelids, heart shaped silver earrings and a silver necklace with my initials carved in a little silver heart.
My hair was just flattened.
"Thanks.. you too Luna". Luna didn't give a fuck about how much she shows. She's simply wearing a bra, yes a black bra, with a thin piece of white fabric over it, short shorts, high heels, lots of jewelry, makeup on point and her hair was in tight blonde curls.
"Thank you Im trying my best" she said with lots of excitement.

"I wish I could be as excited as you.." I mumbled. She was driving, and said we'd be there in like 10-15 minutes. The beach isn't that far away from where I live.
"Oh come on Els, we're gonna have fun, I promise you!" Luna said while smiling.
I give a half smile back.
"Okay.. I believe you then".

When we arrive at the beach, we both get out of the car and I once again, tried to hide my cleavage but it would just fall down again.

Fuck, there's a lot of people here I thought while looking around the beach.
"I guess some people have already been here for a while" I said, looking around at obviously drunk girls and guys.
"Well.. In many cases it's easier to make friends when they are drunk" Luna said with a weird smile.
I just stay silent, and looks at her confused.
"Come on Els let's go to a bar and get some drinks" Luna said.
We got us some drinks and was just casually talking while drinking at the bar, booth thing(don't judge me for not being sure about the correct term).
Luna was telling me about some of her friends from a different school, would be here too.
"You're not gonna completely forget about little hopeless me, when your other friends arrives right?" I asked, being half sarcastic, half serious.
"Of course not! I promised you didn't I?" Luna said while smiling.
I smiled back.
I did want to believe what she says, but I've known her for a while, and she looooves partying, and I bet her older friends from another school is much better at partying than boring little me.
"Hey they are here, Becca! Tanya! Raven!" Luna screamed, and it feels like my eardrums almost exploded.
Before I could even say anything, Luna was already with her other friends.
"Ellie! Hey" I hear someone say behind me, I turn around, and there's Byun Baekhyun. Even more handsome than yesterday. His hair isn't just brown anymore, it's dyed black with hints of red in it. His outfit as always complimented his body shape perfectly. Tight ripped denim jeans, a loose navie blue shirt with palm trees on it, a silver necklace and a lip piercing.
Why is he so pretty? Fuck what am I thinking?..
"Oh hey Baekhyun, you look.. a little different" I said, trying my hardest not to stumble on my words again.
He smiles, and I feel like melting.
"Oh yeah I got a new shirt, what do you think?".
"Oh yeah of course, it's just the shirt" I say, raising my eyebrow, but still smiling.
"I like your hair, it suits you" I say, definitely blushing like crazy, so I look at the ground, afraid of looking into his eyes.
"Aw really, you think so? It's not silly or anything?". I look up, and he looks all flustered, while scratching the back of his neck.
His smile seems even softer at this point.
"No, I like it, who said it was silly?" I ask.
"Uhm..". Before he can even begin his sentence someone pops up behind him. A taller guy with pastel purple hair, a white shirt and black jeans. He looks Asian as well, but his eyes are crystal blue. I'll assume it's colored contact lenses.
He wraps his arm around Baekhyun's shoulder.
"Dude's trying to look like someone from the 80's" the guy says, and Baekhyun rolls his eyes.
"Oh shut up" he says, and hits his, I guess friend, in the stomach, didnt really seem to have any effect though, if he was aiming for it that is.
"Who's your friend?" The guy asks, referring to me.
"Oh yeah this is Eleanor, she goes to my school" Baekhyun says, and smiles.
"Okay, nice to meet you Eleanor, I'm Park Chanyeol" the guy said, and bowed.
"Nice to meet you too, Chanyeol" I said, and smiled.
"Baek, you joining me and our friends?" Chanyeol asks him.
Before Baekhyun can answer, Chanyeol looks at me.
"Eleanor can join too, if she wants". Chanyeol smiles, and his is just as beautiful.
"Uh well.." I take a fast peek at Luna, and her friends. She seems busy, I thought and turned my attention back to Chanyeol and Baekhyun.
"Uh, sure why not?".
"Great let's gooo" Chanyeol said, and drags Baekhyun with him while I'm walking beside them, feeling a little awkward, because I know who Baekhyun is, but we aren't friends really, so technically I wouldn't know anyone, I wouldn't really have anyone to hang on to like I could with Luna.

"Baek! Chan! We're about to play some games" a guy with curly dark brown hair was sitting with a couple of girls and a few other guys.
"Oh is she a friend of yours Baek?" He asks, again, reffering to me.
"Yeah she's from my school". I was quite surprised to hear Baekhyun calling me his friend.
"Ah nice to meet you, I'm Kim Minseok" the guy said, and smiled.
"Nice to meet you too, I'm Eleanor".
"Eleanor? Alright, cute name" Minseok said, and I started embarrassingly blushing.
"Oh uh thank you.." I mumbled.
"El you're joining too, right?".
"Yeah sure" I said.
"Got ma stash Minseok!" One of the girls yelled.
Minseok just smiled. The girl came up to us with some vodka, soda and shots.
She sat down beside Minseok, and kissed him. Hm must be his girlfriend I guess.
For some reason, in my mind, I started questioning if any of the girls are Baekhyun's girlfriend, and for some other reason it bothered me.

We sat down, all in a cirkle. I tried to be as subtle as possible, and hung on to Baekhyun, because again, even though we aren't actually friends, he's the only one I really know here.
I still feel a little awkward, because I have always had a hard time talking to people.
Baekhyun and Chanyeol were chatting beside me, and to feel a little less awkward I pull out my phone, and kind of pretends to do something on it.
"You okay Ellie?". I look up, and Baekhyun had turned his attention to me. Without realizing it, Chanyeol had left to get some drinks, for the drinking game Minseok thought of playing.
"Oh uh.. Im just.. I guess a little flustered because I don't know anyone besides you, and we aren't really.." before finishing my sentence, I realised it could maybe upset him, and I didnt want that.
"I get it, and I know we aren't really friends" he said while giving me that soft smile of his.
"Hey Baek, got our stash". Chanyeol came back, and gave Baek a beer, and to my surprise he also brought one for me.
"Oh.. uh thanks Chanyeol" I said, and smiled.
Usually I don't drink beer, but I don't want to seem rude.
"Are we ready everyone?" Minseok asks, and everyone including Baek yells yeah.
What am I doing here again?...

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