Womanizer(part 4)

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"Never have I ever had a threesome" one of the girls said, and a few drank, including, not surprised, Baekhyun. I'm not judging, but considering Baekhyun's reputation, a threesome doesn't surprise me. I wouldn't ever want to have one. The thought of having two people instead of one doing sex, I dont know I feel gross thinking about it. Most likely because I'm not interested in having sex with someone I'm not in a relationship with, and if I am with someone, I expect them not to want a threesome, that I'm "enough". I wouldn't believe my potential partner if he said he loves me, but he still wants to have sex with someone else, while we're together.
That's just how I feel about it, if you think otherwise that's fine.
"Never have I ever fallen in love with someone I barely know" Chanyeol said and glanced over at me for some reason.
The only one who drank, was Baekhyun.
"Never have I ever been with the same sex" Baekhyun said, and a few of the girls drank.
People turns their attention towards me, and I immediately feel my cheeks starting to burn. I should've thought of something while the others were talking.
"Uh never have I ever.. uh.. felt uncomfortable around strangers" I said, and I to my surprise a few actually drank. I thought these people were all too confident to bother.
I look at Baekhyun, and I'm even more surprised that he drank too.
No way, I felt like laughing, no way Byun Baekhyun would feel uncomfortable around anyone I thought.
I of course, once again, didn't realise I was staring.
"What? Do I have something in my face?" He asks, and laughs slightly.
"Oh uh sorry.. no.. nothing..".

As the day, or evening now, went on, the people around me of course got very drunk. People were chatting, some were sitting in a smaller circle playing a card game with some vodka and soda besides them, a couple of girls, for some reason, took turns on kissing each other while drinking cola shots, I couldn't find Minseok or that girl. Must be somewhere doing stuff I actually don't wanna think about others doing.
"Ellie is the place also spinning a little for you?" Baekhyun asks, and I was about to laugh, but my heart just stopped for a second when he laid his head on my shoulder and scooped closer to me. I could feel his warmth, and his soft hair on my neck.
"Uh.. how much have you had?" I ask him, and he starts counting with his fingers. I can't help it but laugh.
"Uh I don't have enough fingers, I need yours too" he said, and took one of my hands, and counted. Breath, in and out Els, I thought. His hands feels even softer than his hair.
"Uh.. I guess let's just say the two of us don't have enough fingers to count it" he said, laughing and I laugh as well.
He keeps holding my hand, and starts caressing it, and my heart starts beating at least 10 times faster than normal.
"Your hand is so.. small and soft Ellie, I like it" he mumbles. At this point I feel like my heart is just gonna explode.
I try to act as cool as possible, and just brushes it off even though my heart is going crazy, and took a sip of my drink.
I turn my head, and our faces are just centimeters away from each other.
Baekhyun smiles and looks at my lips.
"You have pretty lips" he says.
I look down, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes.
"Please don't look away from me Ellie" he says with a soft voice, and lifts my chin with his finger.
"Well I'm.." before I can finish he presses his lips gently against mine. I'm in shock, but I quickly closed my eyes and kissed back. His hand slides to the back of my neck, deepens the kiss.
The kiss was deep, yet soft. I grab his hand, and intertwine our fingers.
He's an amazing kisser, I thought.
He pulls away, and smiles.
"Yeah?" I say, our foreheads are pressed against each other.
"Renember I drank when Chanyeol said I've never fallen in love with someone I barely know?" He asks.
"Yeah" I nod.
"Wanna go out with me?" He asks, and I'm speechless for a second. Byun Baekhyun is.. asking.. me.. out? Of all people?
"Hm?". I look in his eyes, his eyes that looks like puppy eyes and his smile that shines brighter than the sun itself.
I smile back.
"I'd love to" I said.
He smiles and kisses me.

I'm so sorry this got longer than I planned but I couldn't figure out how to end it without it being too, idk, random?

I'm not good at writing longer stories cuz I'll just skip a lot of stuff and immediately get to the plot, but if you liked this one, tell me about it and I can make a longer version, one that's more like a story than a one shot

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