Womanizer(Part 1)

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People are so naive. Girls still think they'll be able to have a serious relationship with Byun Baekhyun, even with his reputation at school, every girl is still so thirsty for his attention. Baekhyun has never been in a serious relationship that lasted more than.. 2 months I think, and that girl was lucky his interest in her lasted for that long.
He's cocky and arrogant, I think I might be the only girl at school who can see it, or at least admit it. I got no interest in someone like him, I know what the only thing he cares about in a partner, is if she's hot and good in bed. It has mostly been tall, blonde, and curvy girls. Me? I'm the exact opposite of all that, I'm short thin like a stick, no boobs or ass detected and I have dark hair, not that it really matters anyways.
"You love him just as much as I do!". I'm sitting outside with my friend Luna while doing homework, or I'm doing homework, she's staring longingly at Baekhyun who's sitting at another table with a few of his friends smoking. I cringe, I swear I hate smokers, its gross, it smells and you look like an idiot, you don't look cool, it's not cool slowly killing yourself by filling your lunges with smoke. I found myself staring a little bit as well, and of course right as I started looking our eyes met and he smirked. He probably thinks that I want him like every other dumb girl in this school.
"I'm not as naive as you Luna".

Luna got picked up by her parents, we said goodbye, I sit and waits for the bus, my parents don't have time to come get me.

"Hey" I hear someone say and I look up to see no other than Byun Baekhyun smiling, not smirking but smiling at me. He kind of has a pretty smile, and those dark eyes.
I realized I'm staring like an idiot.
"Uh hi.." I mumble, feeling embarrassed.
"Are you and your friend interested in me?" He asks and to be quite honest, it doesn't surprise me that his ego told him both of us are thirsty for him.
"I think you need someone to talk to, someone who can tell you not all women desire you, I especially don't".
I was so surprised by his response, or lack of response really. He just stares at me confused like he has no idea what I'm talking about.
In the end he just shrug his shoulders and laughed.
"Was just a simple question". He leans forward and whispers into my ear.
"Cuz I find you pretty interesting".

I am so sorry to you guys who actually read my one shots, I literally had no ideas for a good one shot, but here's first part of an idea I finally got ❤

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