Insecurities(part 3)

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Y/N pov

"I have to stay strong, nobody will care about me if I'm not skinny".

For a few seconds I'm totally speechless.

"What?". I look at him and is expecting him to just, I dont know laugh or say just kidding or something, but he doesn't.

He laughs slightly and grins.

"Like I said, nobody will care about me if I'm not skinny.. having an empty stomach all day every day is exhausting" he mumbles.
Baekhyun is smiling, but his eyes aren't. They are filled with sadness.
"You're kidding right?" I ask him.
He looks at me confused.
"No I'm not kidding, everyone in my life has proven to me that they won't care about me if I'm not skinny and handsome".

"Well fuck those people then.. who do you hang out with?" I ask feeling frustrated. Despite me not really knowing him, no one deserves to feel this way.
He shrugs his shoulders.
"My parents, my exes, Chan etc." He said.
"What.. that's not true".
"Yes it is".
He looks up at the sky while smiling.
I see a small tear leaving his eye.
He's completely silent.
"Have.. have you ever talked to someone about this?" I ask.
He finally looks at me, one more tear leaving his eye.
"No.. I haven't".
"And it feels weird, that I'm talking to someone who I barely know, about this" he continues.
Without me realising my words I answer:
"Well.. Im happy that you're opening up to me, I wanted to get to know you better for a while now".
His eyes widens slightly by my words, so does mine when I realise what I just said.
"Really? Why?" He asks.
"I well.. I mean.. I.. because.. I just.. want to?" I'm constantly stumbling on my own words.
He looks at me weirdly.
"You just want to?". He lays his head on my shoulder again, and my face starts burning again.

"Because you think Im good looking?". Normally if any guy were to ask me that I'd tell them to watch their ego, but not him. He geniunely thinks the only thing that there is to him, are his looks.

I look him in right in the eyes, which I don't know how good of an idea that is, his eyes are mesmerising. 

"No.. Because you seem like a fun and nice person" I finally say. 

I notice a slight smile before he looks up at the sky again.

"Fun and nice? I guess, I try my best to be a good person, I like to joke around a lot, the type of person that other people usually like to be around" he mumbles.

"You see? there's much more to you than your looks, sure you are handsome, but that's not what matters" I say and geniunely feels bad for him. 

"So you do find me handsome?" he asks and smiles at me. It seems more geniune this time.

"Yes.. I do find you very handsome, but like I said, that's not why I want to get to know you Baekhyun" I say persistently. 

"Why have you never tried and talk to me then? every girl I've seen and met were always quick to make conversations with me".

"I'm.. I'm shy.." I mumble and I feel my cheeks burning again. 

"Cute" he says. 

"What?.. cute? no no it's..".

To my surprise he laughs, and let me tell you, it's like music to my ears. 

"You're easily flustered as well, way too cute for me to handle" he says and smiles. 

"Not.. not funny Baek" I mumble and crosses my arms.


"I- I mean.. Baekhyun".

"I don't mind you calling me Baek, if we're going to get to know each other, giving each other nicknames doesn't seem weird" he says and smiles.

"Get.. get to know each other?".

His head is still resting on my shoulder when he says:

"You wanna go out with me?" he asks and for a second I've completely frozen.

"Huh?" I say without realising it, and I wanna die.

He laughs again and looks me in the eyes.

"I said.. You wanna go out with me?".

"I uhm.. su-sure.. yes I'd.. I'd love to" I mumble and smile.

He smiles and kisses my cheek. 

"That's the answer I was hoping for".

Side Note: I am soooo sorry I didn't finish part 3.. I'm dealing with a whole bunch of stuff in my personal life so I either didn't have time or the energi to finish this.. Hopefully it's good <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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