Yandere boyfriend(is it worth it?) part 1

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"No but.. you don't have to hang out with him".
It has been like this for a while now. Baekhyun is always, and I mean ALWAYS jealous of anyone I hang out with, guys, girls, doesn't matter unless he's there, according to his head Im basically cheating on him.
"Why is he so important to you? You also hung out with him yesterday" Baekhyun mumbles and pouts.
"He's from my school Baekhyun, we're helping each other with a school project.." I say and looks at him with my arms crossed.
"Are you mad at me? You're mine Y/N.." he says and tries to kiss me. I push him away.
"Yes I am actually mad at you".
"Why?" he asks and looks genuinely confused.
You can't be serious I thought to myself and took a deep breath, trying not to lose my shit.
"Why? Cuz you're freaking out over nothing! You're jealous of every single person I associate with, you even yelled at someone who looked my way for 2 seconds cuz you thought he was checking me out! You even realise how embarrassed I felt?". I try my very best to stay angry but the hurt in his eyes were unbearable.
Baekhyun is just silent. Not even trying to defend himself or deny anything.
"What is wrong with you?" I ask.
He looks away.
"Nothing.." he mumbles.
Is he trying to piss me even more off? How can he have so little self awareness? I think.
"Nothing? You know that's a lie, what is actually wrong with you? Don't you trust me? Is that it?" I ask. His eyes gets filled with more and more sadness. I bite my tunge to prevent me from crying and does everything I can to suppress the want to just go up to him and hug him.
I love him.. right?
"Cant we talk about something else? We can play some games together! I know my baby loves that!" Baekhyun says just out of no where and acts like an excited puppy.
Don't give in. Don't give in. Don't give in.
Baekhyun tries to grab my hand, but I, very very much against my will refuses.
"What?.. cmon babe, let's have some fun together!" He gives me a soft smile.
I shake my head.
"No.. we can't just ignore this anymore, I cant just ignore this anymore!" I yell at him.
He looks at me slightly hurt.
"But.. we can talk about it a little today why not?".
"How many times have you actually told me that? And how many times have I complied and we ignored this obvious huge problem?" I say.
Baekhyun lets out a deep sigh.
"Why not talk to Minseok about all these 'problems' let it all out on him, he understands you more than me right?" He says and sounds very offended.
How old is he? 10?
"Actually..". I walk up to him very closely. Seems like he thinks I'm about to kiss him, but I put my hand in front of his mouth.
"He does".
"You see why I don't want you to hang out with him? Now he has manipulated you" he says angrily.
"Manipulated? Are you even listen to yourself? If there's anyone who has manipulated me.. its you Baekhyun, and I cant take it anymore".
I take a few steps away from him, but he pulls me in for a hug. I try to push him away, but he just tightens his grib around me. I end up giving up and rests my head on his chest.
"Please don't leave me.." he mumbles and sounds like he's about to cry.
This is not easy I think to myself.
Me and Baekhyun has been together for 3 years now. His incredibly exaggerating jealousy and possessiveness started like.. a year ago? But I couldn't get myself to leave him, I've always tried to convince myself that he just loves me a lot, and I still think he does but its not healthy, and the way he's acting just makes me think he doesn't trust me. I've always loved him, I still feel like I do but its draining mentally, and I've lost friends bc of his extreme jealousy, I chose him over a close friend of mine.
"I hope you'll come to your senses some day Y/N" I remember my friend told me. That day I just tried to ignore and forget about it so I could be with Baekhyun, seeing him smile laughing and have him cuddling and kissing me.
"Im sorry Baekyun.." I mumble and pushes him away slightly. He's crying.
I wipe the tears away.
"I can't do this anymore.. I've tried to ignore it and continue to love you, I still love you but.. I've lost so much bc I just wanted to make you happy and.. I dont think we can be together anymore" I say and I tried to bite my tunge very hard, but a tear still ran down my cheek.
"But.." Baekhyun sniffles and can't seem to really get any words out.
I start walking towards the door. To my surprise Baekhyun isn't running after me. When I've put my shoes on I look back at him, and he's looking down at the ground crying.
"Please Y/N.. Dont leave me.. I cant live without you.." he says while crying.
I put my hand on the door handle, and before leaving, without looking at him because its just too painful, I say
"Goodbye.. Baekhyun".

Requested by: @Sunehrigosh9A

This is my first actually "angsty" oneshot but I hope it's alright❤

(Part 2 will be out soon ^^)

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