Chapter 5.

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Steffanie Boldman.

Its been 2 whole days since I've seen or even heard from Justin.

To say I've been on edge was an understatement. Our last conversation didn't go as I'd imagined and his last words were on repeat in my head incessantly.

I'm sure if he wanted someone to know what he was up to, he'd keep me in the loop. But with this situation, the less I know is better, something I think we'd both agree on.

It wouldn't be so bad to keep my distance, but he was the sexiest murderer I've ever seen. And the fact that I've been single for almost a year doesn't help. Besides my Dad, the testosterone in my life was limited. And Justin was a shiny diamond on display I was instructed not to touch.

I ran my hair through my hair in frustration as I chewed on the inside my cheek, maybe it wouldn't hurt to go another round with my trusty hot pink vibrator. This morning was too rushed, I was ashamed since Justin's face was the only one I could picture.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I returned my attention to the next project for my swimwear line, summer was approaching and with recent trends, the more scandalous the better. My eyes snapped to the top right corner of my screen as a text notification popped up.

Back door opened.

I stared at the notification until it disappeared as anxiety rose in my chest. My skin was littered with goosebumps as I took in my surroundings, it was so damn quiet. The soft glow of the TV illuminated the living room best it could, but I could barely make out the tall lamp in the farthest corner of the room. The darkness had me at a serious disadvantage.

I couldn't even remember the last time I was in the backyard so the door most likely was unlocked and I cursed myself for not taking better precautions after this week's events.

I tossed my blanket to the side and stood to my feet, the cold air enveloping my naked legs, causing a shiver to run down my spine. I sighed deeply as I reached my arm out to the pull switch on the fan in the middle of the room.

My heart thudded in my chest as tugged on the switch, a yelp escaping my lips as a figure all dressed in black was revealed, standing right behind the couch.

Tattooed covered fingers raised to the hood, concealing his face and I actually breathed a sigh of relief once I recognized it was Justin. 

Jesus he was a walking angel. His face was constructed by God himself, I only wanted a closer look. His tall frame was intimidating, even from a distance it seemed as if he was peering down his perfect nose at me, his prey no doubt.

"We need to have a serious conversation about you leaving your doors unlocked." His deep voice filled the room and I could only stare in shock. A smirk spread on his face as he watched mine, his eyes trailed down my figure, no doubt appreciating my spandex shorts paired with a wife beater I was sporting with no bra.

He licked his lips appreciatively before his honey eyes met mine once again, "Nice PJ's." Heat spread through my body as I licked my own lips before placing my hand over my erratic heartbeat. 

I felt stark naked under his gaze but I couldn't show how much he affected me, "Why did you have to sneak in like a creep instead of letting me know you were coming?"

"Why is your door unlocked? Especially if you're walking around looking like that." I ignored the blush rising to my cheeks as I narrowed my eyes at him, "I like to think this is a safe neighborhood, apparently not."

Justin scoffed before making his way around the couch in long strides, closer to me, "Your naivety is why you almost got raped, and it'll eventually get you killed."

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