Chapter 9.

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Steffanie Boldman.

Thanks to a private jet, we arrived in New York City in less than an hour.

I squinted my eyes in the sunlight as we exited the plane, a shiny black Rolls Royce awaiting us. I expected nothing less with Justin in my company.

I stifled a yawn as I descended the steps, Justin had made sure to stuff me with food despite the short flight, immediately putting me to sleep.

Nevertheless, I was beyond excited to be in New York again. The city was remarkable, the air was different, as well as the people.

It was no doubt one of my favorite cities outside of the ones I've called home. One of the last times I'd visited NY was with Melania and my younger brother, Jonathan.

It now felt like a lifetime ago, but the memories were as fresh as yesterdays. Surely it was because I spent so much time reminiscing on them.

"Yea we just landed. I'll see you later though I got shit to do." I heard Justin behind me on the phone as I made my way over to the car.

We'd only be here for the weekend which was fine except for the fact Justin hadn't allowed me to stop home for clothes.

I'd beg and pleaded for him to make to a stop but he dressed me in one of his hoodies and a pair of his boxers despite my protests. Instead, he promised he'd take me shopping and I was fully prepared to hold him to it.

"Mr. Bieber, glad to see you." The driver greeted once Justin entered the car next to me. His large frame filled most of my space and I settled for draping my legs over his.

The driver seemed like a nice elderly man, he had warm brown eyes with a soft smile to match. I'd wondered what a man like him was doing driving us around the city.

And at the very least, I'd hope he's compensated generously, it always made me sad to see the elderly still hard at work.

"Yea, good to see you Greg. Straight to Fifth Avenue please." Justin directed as his hand caressed my thigh. Fifth Avenue was only the most famous street in the city, lined with designer stores from Louis Vuitton to Prada and everything in-between. And I was ready to hit them all.

So far I was doing a good job of not overthinking the fact I was in New York with Justin in the first place. I wanted to see it as an adventure, a quick trip to the city that never sleeps was guaranteed an amazing time. Life was too short to read between all the lines.

"So Greg will be taking you wherever you need to go for a few hours while I'm in a meeting, okay?" My eyebrows furrowed as I sat up in my seat, "You're making me go alone?"

I angled my body to face him, a frown on my face as I awaited his response. I knew we wouldn't be attached at hip the whole weekend, but I didn't anticipate his absence so soon.

Also who could he possibly be having a meeting with in New York? I knew better than to ask since the chances that I wouldn't like the answer are high. Didn't stop me from being curious though.

"No baby, your friend is already there waiting for you and by the time you're done I'll meet you at my place ready to take you out."

Justin only moved closer to me, his large hand lightly grabbing at my neck as he gave me a sweet kiss. In the short time I've been around him, I've noticed he's definitely one for physical touch and I didn't mind one bit.

"You gonna miss me damsel?" I rolled my eyes before pulling him into my body by his collar, inhaling his cologne as I gave him a tight hug.

"Only as much as you'll miss me. Just make sure you're safe." Justin only smirked at my words as I ran my fingers through his hair, his eyes boring into mine.

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