Chapter 4.

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Steffanie Boldman

From what I just saw I am completely terrified to walk outside.

We're at a police station, yes.

But still its just so creepy. I mean, what are the odds?

"Make copies of this." I say suddenly, handing Melania the folder before she walked over to the copy machine.

Just as she turned it on to begin, the power went out.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." I whispered repeatedly, my heart beat increasing as I realized it was no coincidence.

"Get your phone, take pictures, quick!"

She did as told and shut the folder stuffing it back in the box.

"Girls?" I hear my dad call and my head snapped towards the door.

Turning on my phone flashlight, I opened the door leading to my fathers office holding onto Melania's hand, we walked in.

"Sweetie?" My dad calls again from across the office.

"Yea, Dad I'm here." I hear a sigh of relief as I tilt my flashlight up and towards his voice. "Both of you don't leave yet, alright?"

"We won't." Melania says nodding lightly as my Dad exited the office.

Suddenly my phone began ringing.

My breath hitched in my throat as Justin B  flashed on the screen. Melania and I shared an uneasy glance as both of us stared at the vibrating phone in my grip.

Hesitantly, I answered, my heart thumping in my chest impossible to ignore.

"Where the hell are you." His harsh voice filled my ears and I gulped quite loudly. I knew for a fact I didn't want to be on the receiving end of his fury.

"Um I-"

"Why aren't you home. Where I left you."

"I decided to go out."


"To see my dad." I breathed shakily before biting on my bottom lip.

"You went to see him? Wouldn't a simple phone call have been nice? Huh?" He seethed and I imagined an angry expression painted across his beautiful face. God, why am I thinking of how beautiful he is?

"What does it matter?"

There was silence on the other end which only raised my anxiety.

"Do you value your life?"

"What?" I asked.

"Do you fucking value your life."

"Well, yea I-"

"Then get home right now."

"I'll try."

Before I could say anything else the line went dead.

Justin Bieber

Finally arriving home, I began wrapping my bloody hand.

"Again Justin?" Trent asks walking into the room eyeing my hand causing me to roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Fuck off Trent." I spat, shoulder checking him as I walked past. Who the fuck was he questioning me. He had no idea what the fuck I was dealing with.

I stomped my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, opening the fridge to grab a cold beer. I was beyond furious as I thought back to today's events. Of course the damsel was related to Antonio Boldman. How did we miss something as important as his fucking offspring?

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