Chapter 1.

906 32 7

Steffanie Boldman

"Finally." I heaved a sigh as I shut my laptop, wrapping up a long night of homework from one of my few college courses.

I glanced at the clock perched ontop of the nightstand next to my bed, the numbers making out 11:45 in bright red.

"Come on Nick!" I called to my neighbor's pomeranian as tonight was one of the few nights I dogsit. A smile creeps onto my face as he came in running around the corner and stopping to sit at my feet, eyes focused on me.

I bent down to put him on his leash while praising him, "You're such a good boy!" Grabbing my keys as well as double checking my back pocket for my phone, we made our way out the front door.

The place where I live is a nice quiet suburban neighborhood with numerous houses lining either side of the road. There was never much trouble not until recently.

Not until him.

For some reason I couldn't get that boy out my head. His golden eyes shone at me in my dreams.

I shook my head and looked out into the night, as if the thoughts would just disappear knowing damn well they'd only get worse.

10 minutes later..

"Nicholas! Be quiet!" I harshly whispered to the yapping dog. I looked down at him in annoyance, exasperated at his loud, high pitched barking.

"Shhh its okay Nick." I reassure the small dog, gently scratching behind his ear just as he liked it.

"This isn't over Bieber." I heard a voice say in the distance causing me to freeze in place, my eyes darting to my peripherals.

"Its over for me." Another cool voice responded.


It was his voice!

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and peeked my head around the corner. Nick simultaneously mimicked my actions and looked too.

I gasped lightly, my fingers covering my mouth as I realized I was right.

Obviously it was loud because the mysterious man, who was referring to my savior as Bieber, looked in my direction easily spotting me and my heart sunk.

"Well, Well, Well. You know this girl Bieber?" The man said sizing me up and down with a small tilt of his head, large black sunglasses covering his eyes despite the dark sky.

Why do I always find myself in these situations?

I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I hesitantly looked up and met the eyes of the boy.

His harsh gaze was already awaiting mine and he was obviously pissed, clenching and unclenching his jaw, his fists curled at his side.

I shifted uncomfortably under their gazes and swallowed as I glanced anywhere but at them, my palms getting sweaty.

Suddenly I felt my head being forced up to look at the man, my reflection was all I could see as I attempted to look him in his eye.

I stared nonetheless, trying my best to keep my composure and show little fear.

"We can put you to some good use, huh?" He croons caressing my cheek with his rough, dry hands.

Without thinking twice I raised my knee quickly coming into contact with his crotch stepping back as he fell onto his knees.

"Fucking shit!" He growled cradling his dick, his sunglasses now scattered onto the ground revealing an icy blue gaze. I smiled at myself triumphantly despite his chilling glare.

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