Chapter 12.

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Steffanie Boldman.

I swear my phone hasn't stopped ringing since I stepped foot in Toronto.

"Boldman speaking." I cradled my phone between my shoulder and ear as I seated myself at my desk, Rebekah bouncing through my office door with coffee in hand.

I did a little dance as she passed me my lifeline. A venti iced chai tea latte, two pumps of vanilla, add whip cream. Thank God for Starbucks.

"Hey, it's José, crazy good news. You got some extra inventory for your next order. By some I mean 20 additional units. I hope these things are selling because we've been working our asses off making 'em. Expect them a bit sooner, maybe next week if you're lucky. You know international shipping is a pain but we'll make sure it's done right on our end." I silently thanked the Gods above us at José's revelations.

Since our manufacturers were in Brazil, the inventory process has not been easy. But it seems we've finally got a handle on things, and then some. It was fantastic news considering we've already sold out, a restock so soon will be great for business.

"Thanks for the great news José, you are God sent. I will work on some bonuses for you and your team and I can't wait to see you in Miami. We'll talk again soon."

I hurriedly hung up the phone before he could keep me on for longer than necessary. "Sounds like good news?" Rebekah questioned before settling on the small sofa with her laptop in hand.

It was almost time for a team meeting, and we always collaborate on talking points prior to presenting. Well, collaborate as in I email her a bunch of stuff and she puts it together.

"The best news. Exactly what I needed to hear after jumping ship this weekend. So sorry by the way, book us a nail appointment, my treat." I kept my eyes on my computer as I began reviewing some designs that were to be finalized for one of the numerous shows we'd been planning.

"No worries, it's what I'm here for. Just please tell me it wasn't in vain and you were whisked away on a romantic getaway." My fingers froze as I met Rebecca's teasing glare, a blush rising to my cheeks.

I wasn't sure if spending the majority of my time riding Justin's dick all over his penthouse counted as a romantic getaway but I'll gladly take what I can get.

"Oh my gosh look at you! He's got you blushing! So sweet but I bet he's as fiery as he looks." I couldn't help but nod in agreement, "Becc, you've got no idea."

"Yeah, because you won't spill! I'm trying to be patient but the suspense is killing me, where'd you find this demigod?" I kept a smile on my face as my stomach twisted at her question reminding me of the harsh truth to it.

Oh yeah! The first night I met him, he killed someone for me! Not exactly the answer anyone would be expecting. But also not exactly anyone's business.

I knew it was my heart talking and not the sense of logic God has blessed me with. But I genuinely didn't care. With Justin, I've chosen ignorance, despite the world's largest red flag staring me in the face.

I knew it'd bite me in the ass eventually, I have yet to shake this feeling of impending doom since we've laid eyes on each other.

But ignorance is bliss, and bliss wasn't even close to how I felt around Justin. It was more like euphoria and I was going to chase it until I couldn't anymore. I hope he was proud if himself because I haven't worn these rose colored glasses in a while.

"He found me and hasn't let up since. He's one persistent asshole, I promise I'll spill my guts to you sooner than later." Rebecca chuckled as she agreed, "I'm so holding you to that. You should be glad I haven't found out his last name by now. See you in twenty."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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