Chapter 7

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*Katniss POV*

   Willow walk about an hour later and sits beside me. "Mom?" She asks.


"You're THE Katniss Everdeen?" I just nod. "Why haven't you ever told me?"

"I couldn't. It would of been to hard too. It still is." I reply.

"Oh. Can you tell me why it is to hard or no?" She asks. I shake my head. I'm on the verge of crying now, remembering everything that happened. "Okay..." Willow says as she stands up. I hold back my tears. "If you make it out of that area alive, as a survivor, I will tell you everything you want to know." She looks at me. "Okay" and she walks out.

It's late now. I get up off the bed and go find Willow and Kolton. They are together about to see Caesar, I don't know how that man is still alive, announce the other tributes. "Good evening Panem! Today was a very special day! The Games are back! Aren't we all excited!" The crowed cheers. "Let us start by telling you all who this year's tributes are!" He names the list of children. I don't ear there last names, for non of them.

"District 1 male tribute, Blaze, female tribute Ruby.

District 2 male tribute, Dax, female tribute, Lana.

District 3 male tribute, Flux, female tribute Pexey.

District 4 male tribute, Marlin, female tribute, Dory.

District 5 male tribute, Atom, female tribute, Deena.

District 6 male tribute, Cooper, female tribute, Cara.

District 7 male tribute, Grover, female tribute, Ivy.

District 8 male tribute, Jute, female tribute, Penny.

District 9 male tribute, Milo, female tribute, Mazie.

District 10 male tribute, Buck, female tribute, Fora.

District 11 male tribute, Thorn, female tribute, Tillie.

District 12 male tribute, Kolton, female tribute Willow"

The screen goes dark and we stand up. "I'll help you guys tomorrow, go get some sleep." They go to their room and I go to mine. It takes me a while to finally fall asleep. But I do.

All through the night I kept waking up to nightmares, about Willow in the Games, Peeta and Rye being taken and me being killed. When I decided to go out of the room to the dining cart Willow and Kolton are already eating. I sit down at rhe head of the table. I'm not hungry, so I wait for the two to finish. When they are done eating I speak. "Have you two learned about the Games in school?" They both nod. "The most recent history?" The nod again. "Can you tell me what they have taught you?" I ask.

"How is this going to help us in the Games?" Kolton asks.

"It just will" I say. Willow starts to speak about what they've learned. She tells me they have learned everything from the very first Games to the end of the Rebellion. She must of figured that I was getting bored about the Games I wasn't apart of cause she skipped them and just went to the 76th Hunger Games. Where all of this began.

Hope you enjoyed this Chapter! Please comment and vote!
I feel like being evil and ending the story here, but I won't cause I have a lot more ideas.

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