Chapter 8

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*Willow POV*

  As I'm telling my mom what I've learned about the Games I can tell she doesn't care about the 73 Games and before that, so I skip to the 74th Game. I tell her about when we learned she Volunteered for her sister Prim, so my aunt. I told her everything about that years Games. When I got to 75th Games she started acting strange. But I just ignored it and continued. I told her about my dad volunteering for Haymitch, about the force field, everything. When I mentioned her shooting the force field she had tears gather in her eyes. I still ignored it. I don't know why. I told her about my dad being taken by the Capitol, him being hijacked, him choking her. I looked at my mom, realizing that I should stop. She has tears rolling down her cheeks, and she's sweating. I give Kolton a worried look he just shrugs. "Mom. You alright?" I ask. She doesn't answer me. I lean in closer to her. That's when I hear her mumbling. "My name is Katniss Everdeen. I am seventeen years old. My home is District 12. I was in the Hunger Games. I escaped. The Capitol hates me. Peeta was taken prisoner. He is thought to be dead. Most likely he is dead. It is probably best if he is dead..." I hear her say and trail off. I'm worried about her. I shake her arm. "Mom, mom are you alright. Answer me." She doesn't respond. She stands up and goes to the sitting area of the cart. She sits on one of the chairs and bring her knees up to her chest and hides her head between them. She cries. I've never seen her like this. I haven't even heard her like this, and I hear her cry almost every night. But this is different. She isn't the person I've always looked up to. She isn't herself. Or maybe she is. Maybe what she is everyday is all an act. To make Rye and I not worry about her.

I don't know what to do. She has been like this for an hour. She is a mess. I'm worried. I'm trying to stay brave. I've tried talking to her. But it's like she doesn't hear me. I go looking around the train for a phone. When I find one I punch in the number for our house. It ring four times before Rye picks up. "HI!" He yells into the phone. "Rye I need you to go get dad." I say fast.

"OKAY!" He yells again, this child doesn't understand he shouldn't yell into the phone. I wait a few seconds before dad answers. "Hello?" He says. I am relived to hear his voice.

"Dad, I need your help." I say way to fast.

"Honey what's wrong?" He asks concerned. He knows I only speak fast when I'm worried or scared.

"It's mom, she asked about what Kolton and I learned in school about the Games. I told her everything. She was fine until I started talking about the 75th Games. Then she broke down in tears and started mumbling things. She won't answer me. I'm scared dad. I need you to help me." I says way to fast.

"Willow, I need you to calm down. Just take a deep breath" I do as he says. He starts talking again. "How long ago did this start?" He asks. "About an hour ago." I reply. "Dad, has she done this before?"

"Yes. Did you mention Prim at all?" He asks.

"Ya. Why?" I respond.

"She was her everything. She thinks she shouldn't of died. She thinks she should of died. How close are you to the Capitol?" He says.

"Uh, I don't know, six hours maybe. Why?"

"I'm coming." He says. Then I hear him hang up.

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