Chapter 12

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*Katniss POV*

   "What? Katniss it's just me, Peeta." He says. I look at him. I can't trust him. I can't trust anybody here. "I know who you are! Just get away!" I yell at him. Willow bursts into the room with Rye in her arms. "Mom, why are you yelling?" She asks. I feel like I can trust her. "Get him away from me." I say as calmly as possible but my voice is still shaky. "Um, okay..." She says as she walks over to Peeta. "Dad, come on..." She says and Peeta stands up. She still has Rye in her arms. He is looking at me. He looks scared. He obviously is. He never sees me like this. I don't know why, but I feel like Peeta will choke me again.

*Willow POV*

    I lead dad out of the room and into the living room. He, Rye and I sit on the couch. He takes Rye from me and puts him on the other side of him. He puts his arms around the both of us. We both cuddle into him. "I'm sorry you two have to see your mother like this...." He whispers, he sounds like he is holding back tears. Both Rye and I don't speak. He just suggested into dad more. Eventually we both fall asleep. I don't know what time it is when dad and I are woken up by mom screaming again. "PEETA!? PEETA!?" She yells. It sounds like she's crying. Dad rushes to her. I follow him, leaving Rye on the couch still sleeping. Dad opens the door. "Katniss what's wrong?" He asks worried. I am worried about her. I hate seeing jer like this. Mom runs up to Peeta and hugs him. "Why weren't you hear?" She says into his shoulder, tears running down her cheeks.

"Mom, you told him to get away from you. I came in and took him to the living room" I tell her.

"Katniss do you not remember that?" Dad asks. She shakes her head. We stand there in silence for a few minutes. "I'm sorry Peeta. I was probably having a nightmare." She tells him.

"It's fine. I understand " He says to her, rubbing his hand over her back. I decide to leave them be and go back to see if Rye 

Is awke yet. He's still sleeping. I pick him up, he isn't very heavy so he is easy to lift. I cuddle with him. He looks like a younger version of dad. Ashy blond hair, and blue eyes. Dad tells me I look just like mom when she was my age. Black hair. That's basically it. We have the same face shape. My skin is less olivey then hers. I also have my dad's eyes. Don't see how I look like she did, unless she used to have blue eyes and less olivey skin, but that's probably unlikely. I think to myself.

I smile down a Rye. this probably the most peaceful I've ever seen him. He is very rambunctious. I feel someone touch my shoulder. He jump a little. I turn around to see Kolton. "Hi beautiful" He says smiling. "How'd you sleep?" He asks.


"Same. Hey, do you know why your mom was yelling last night?" He asks.

"She had a nightmare. Basically told my dad to leave. Slept here with my brother and dad. Mom woke up yelling my dad's name. Nothing I'm not already used too." I tell him. I lie a bit. My mom has never done something like that to dad. But she wakes up most mornings yelling his name. "Oh." He says. "Training starts today." I says switching he subject. I'm glad he does. "Ya. Not really looking forward to that. I'm not really good at anything." I tell him. "Don't worry, you'll find something. If you want I can help you" I tells me. I want him to help me. I just don't want to fall for him. Only one person comes out of the Games alive. I is just smiling at me. He has an amazing smile. I think I love him. I start to speak. "Uh...Kolton, uh..." I can't get words out. I can't tell him I don't want him to help me. I'm to nice. I think I love him. No. I love him. I love Kolton Hep. I continue to speak. "I love you Kolton, and I would love if you could help me in training." I tell him. I'm still looking at him. He smiles and hugs me from behind. He kisses the top of my head. "I love you too Willow." Just then Rye wake up, crying.

Why is Rye crying. Looks like you gotta wait! I'm gonna start getting into the Games next chapter. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also. Devyn. Please don't bury me. Lol.

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