Chapter 17

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*Katniss POV*

  Willow, Kolton and I are escorted into a room to say our good byes. I hug Kolton first and wish him luck. Before we release from the hug he whispers into my ear "I'm sorry about Peeta." He doesn't say it sincerely. We release eachother from the hug and he leaves to get on the hover craft. I hug Willow. Before I start crying I tell her everything she needs to know. "You have to survive. You need to kill Kolton. I think he made Haymitch kill your father. Don't go into the cornucopia. If there is something close to you run grab it and keep running. If not just run. Don't step of that pedestal  if you don't want to explode. You can win this. I know you can." I hug her tighter. Tears start rolling down my cheeks and hers. I give her once last kiss before she is told to go to the hover craft.

*Willow POV*
   I go onto the hover craft and take my seat. I man with bright purple hair comes and puts my tracker in, then we are off.

When we get to wherever we are everyone is lead to a room. When I get to my room Tatiana my stylist, is there. She has a jacket in her hands, she slips it onto me arms and zips it up for me. She leads me to a tube and the door slides closed. I hear someone counting down and I start to rise up. I get to the top and look around. I find Kolton. We lock eyes and he gives me an evil eye. I look away from him. I can't let him kill me. I look around at the cornucopia. I look around some more and see nothing that I can't get without going toward the blood bath that will be happening in 15 seconds.


Everyone, except me, runs towards the cornucopia,  I run off into the woods. The arena has woods, water, and buildings. I hear 9 canons go off. 15 tributes left. I hear someone behind me.

*Katniss POV*
*before the actual games begin*

   When I get back to the living quarters I go to find Rye, but he's no where. I start to panic. I can't loose him too. I go to my room and go into a ball of tears and panic on my bed. I hear Tatiana walk into the living quarters. She opens my door and she's holding Ryes hand. I jump up to hug him but I soon realize it's not Rye. I start crying again. "Katniss, what's wrong?" Tatiana asks.
Everything I think. "Do you know where Rye is?" She shakes her head. My eyes widen. "Where is he then?!" I shout.
"Katniss, calm down, he will turn up eventually. Don't worry."
How can I not worry. He's all I have right now.

Oooooooo. Where's Rye!? Comment, and vote! Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry for not updating forever

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