Chapter 19

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*Willow POV*

   There are only 3 tributes left, the girl from District 4, Dory, Blaze, and I. Blaze and I start to walk around to look for food, when an announcement starts. " Attention, tributes, attention! Commencing at sundowb, there will be a feast at the Cornucopia. This will be no ordinary occasion. Each of you needs something - desperately - and we plan to be... generous hosts."
He's right we do need something desperately. Food.

At sundown Blaze and I start to make our way to the cornucopia. There are three bags. One for each remaining tribute. I run in before Blaze can stop me, I grab my bag but then Dory comes out of the cornucopia and tackles me to the ground. She tries to take the bag from me but I have a strong grip on it. I squirm around trying to escape her grasp. Blaze run towards me and drags me away from her. He takes out a knife and tows it, hard, at Dory. It hits her in the chest. She falls to to ground bleeding to death. Bang! A cannon goes off. It's only Blaze and me left. He comes towards me. "You want to kill me?" He asks. I nod my head no.
"I can't." I say.
"Okay..." He stands up and starts to walk away from me, going into the forest. I run after him leaving the bags.
"Blaze! What are you doing?" I ask.
"Letting you win!" He takes a rope out. "If you won't kill me, I'll just do it myself."

*Katniss POV*

Blaze ties the rope around his neck. "Blaze don't!"  Willow yells. 

"Willow, you sid you won't be upset when I had to die. Don't care about me. There can only be one victor and it will be you. I don't care if I die." Blaze says.

I go down to where all the sponsors are. I don't ask for anything I just watch the Games, and see the Capitols peoples reactions. Blaze climbs up a tree. Willow stands at the base of the tree. "Blaze stop"  She says.

"Okay, you pick how I die then."

"Anything other then hanging yourself."

Blaze climbs higher into the tree. He gets ready to jump. He looks scared. Of course he is. He et's ready again and without hesitation he jumps plumiting to the ground. He lands with a loud THUMP. Willow runs over to him. He's still alive. For now. He is in bad shape. 

*Willow POV*

  I run towards Blaze. He's still alive. He doesn't speek. His breathing starts to slow down. BANG. The canon goes off and he is gone. I kneel beside him. He helped me survive. I would be dead without him. Tears run down my cheeks. "Ladies and gentlemen! I give you the victor of the 76th Hunger Games!" The announcement says. A hovercraft comes and picks Blaze up. Soon after one comes for me. I climb in. Mom is there. She comes towards me and embraces me into a hug. "I'm so glad you did it" She says to me. I can feel her tears drip into my head. 

"Blaze helped me. He's the only reason I am still alive."

"I know. I saw. Mom tells me.

We get back to the Capitol. Mom and I go up to the living quarters. Before we walk in she tells me she nneds to talk to me. "Before the Games begun, your brother he, he was killed. I dont know how. I'm sorry." Mom sobs out.

Hope you enjyed this chapter! I have deleted the chapter I posted before, because I think I confused people. Probably two more chapters and this fanfic is done.  


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