Chapter 18

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*Katniss POV*

  I hear a knock at the door. I go to answer it. I look through the peep hole and see no one is there. I start to walk back to my room when I hear another knock on the door. I answer it this time. I look to the floor not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. But instead of seeing the bare floor I see Rye. He is pale, too pale. The tears run down my face fast. I pick Rye up, he's limp. I check his pulse. Nothing. I fall to my knees crying. How can he be dead?
Tatiana comes in and sees me crying over Ryes small body. She helps me up and leads me to the couch. I sit down and continue crying.

*Willow POV*

   Someone is behind me. I race up a tree and stay silent. I look down and see Kolton. I try to get higher in the tree but a branch snaps and gets his attention. He looks up at me, our eyes lock. He smirks. He pulls out a small knife and throws it up at me.

*Katniss POV*
*she's watching the games now*

   "WILLOW!!!" I shout at the T.V. She tries to dodge the knife but isn't fast enough. The knife lands in her shoulder. She grabs her shoulder crying out in pain. Kolton waits at the base of the tree for her. She takes her hand off her shoulder, the sight of the blood makes her pass out. She falls to the ground with a thud. I start to cry. He is sure to kill her now. Kolton pulls out another knife and is about to finish Willow off when, surprisingly, Blaze comes and tackles Kolton to the ground. Blaze takes the knife from him and stabs him in the stomach. Blaze picks Willow up. I start to panic what if he is going to kill her. I jump up off the couch.

After 20 minutes I finally convince someone to send Willow the medicine she needs for the knife wound. I send it to where Blaze and Willow are. I watch anxiously. Blaze goes and grabs the parachute and opens it. He grabs the container of medicine and rubs it on Willows knife wound.

  After a day Willow finally wakes up. She starts to freak out at the sight of Blaze.

  *Blaze POV*
  Willow finally wakes up. I haven't left her side since I found her. She  starts to freak out when she sees me. I calm her down and tell her everything she needs to know. I tell her about her wound from Kolton, that I killed Kolton, how many tributes are left, 10, and that I won't kill her. She gives me a puzzled look. "Why won't you kill me?" She asks.
"I heard what happened to your dad. If you die she'll have nobody." I tell her.
"When I die, she will still have my brother."
"Don't say that. I'm gonna make sure you win, even if we are the last two." I tell her. She stands up.
"Thank you for helping me, but I don't need you to help me anymore." Then she walks away.
I sit there watching her walk off, I wait a bit until I run after her. I catch up to her. "Willow, why don't you want my help? I swear I won't kill you. I will be glad to be dead. I hate it back home. Please just let me help you get make home, alive." I tell her.
"Willow. Please"
"Blaze. Please. Go"
"Nope, I will help you stay alive if it's the last thing I do, and it will be."
"Ugh! Fine."
We walk a bit until we get to an empty building. We sit beside eachother. "Why don't you care if you die?" She asks me.
"Cause, back home I hate it. I'm the second child out of three, and I get zero attention. They won't care if I die. They didn't care that I got reaped." I tell her. She sits there in silence for awhile.
"Did they go see you?" She asks. I shake my head no.

*Katniss POV*

   I watch Blaze and Willow talk. I'm surprised that he is actually helping Willow stay alive.

*Willow POV*

It starts to get dark. There were three cannons today. 7 tributes left. The sky lights up with each deceased tributes face and District number. I start to get tired and yawn. I place my head on Blazes shoulder without thinking. "Tired?" He asks. I nod my head sleepily. "Go to sleep. I'll keep watch." He says. Soon after that I fall asleep.

*Katniss POV*

  "Peeta? W-how how are you here?" He doesn't say anything he just opens his arms to bring me into a hug. I walk towards him. His beautiful blue eyes are sparkling with tears. He quickly lunges towards me wrapping is hands around my neck, he starts to squeeze as hard ask he can. I can't breath. I try to get him off of me, but I can't.

I wake up screaming with tears running down my face. It was just a nightmare. I check the clock, 5:57 am, I decide to turn the he T.V on and watch the Games. A girl, District 6 I think, starts to walk up to the building Willow is in. I start to panic. The girl walks into the building, Blaze sees her and kills her, fast. He goes back over to Willow and sits beside her. She jolts awake.

*Willow POV*

  "You are serious about protecting me?" I ask Blaze. He nods his head.
"I told you, I want to to win, you're the only one here that actually deserves it."
" o-kay then.
"I don't love you. I am just being nice. Don't think I love you. I'm 16, your 13 and I'm gonna die anyway, so think as me as a brother that you don't love that much and won't be devastated when I die. K?"
"Okay. I love you as a brother but I don't love you so much I will be devastated when you die. Got it."

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for not updating, school is busy. Hope you guys have a great Easter.
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Oh and I think this MTV voting thing that's like #votetrismtv and #votekatnissmtv and the other ones, I think it's gonna start World War 3. Like seriously it's crazy!

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