Chapter 2-What is going on?

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Jane POV

As I looked around me at the trees a boy standing in the middle of the road caught my eye. He was tall with pure white hair and blue eyes. He was holding a staff and had on a frost covered blue sweatshirt and brown trousers, but no shoes. But the oddest thing about him- he wasn't there 5 seconds ago.

I nudged by friend saying, "You see the white haired boy too, right?"

"Yeah. I do," she said with a note of wonder in her voice. At least I wasn't going crazy, but who is he? And where did he come from?

Jacks POV

I breathed in sharply. The cold air burned my throat. What is wrong with me? The cold doesn't affect me. I am the cold.

The girls, particularly her, were staring at me. How can they see me? They weren't able to see me a minute ago.

I was standing in the middle of a road and a large truck came barreling down towards me. I tried to fly up in the air but that happened was I jumped a little. I raised my staff and tried to freeze something, anything. it didn't work. I began to panic, and the truck was getting closer and closer. Out of nowhere, I got hit by something from the side and landed in a snow pile.

It was the girl- Jane. She had jumped at me to knock me out of the truck's way. But she didn't go through me. She doesn't believe but she can see, and now, touch me.


I was still staring at the strange boy when a truck came hurtling down at him and all he did was flail his arms and jump in the air. Then he shook his staff around a little but didn't seem to notice or care about the truck.

What an idiot, I thought to myself.

So I took matters into my own hands. I ran at him and knocked him out of the road, both of us landing in a snow pile. I looked down at him. He looked scared and lost. And very, very confused.

"Who are you?" he said fixing his intense blue eyes on mine.

"I'm Jane Boreas. Who are you? And why didn't you move?" I asked him trying to stay cool. Unfortunately I have this tendency to forget how to think around cute guys. And of course idiot boy was cute. Really cute. Then I realized I was still on top of him and quickly moved.

"I'm Jack..... I think," he said very slowly, sounding unsure.

"How do you not know your own name?"

He fixed those eyes on me again and said,"I don't even know how I got here."

Well, that makes two of us.

I brought him in my house, grateful my parents were at work, for something warm to drink. My friend had gone home after the truck incident. I guess it was just too weird for her. I tried to coax more information out of him, but he just kept muttering, "Stupid moon."

"What is your last name, Jack?"

"Frost. My last name is... Frost," he said warily.

"Wait. So you are saying you're Jack Frost? Like the Jack Frost? The one who makes the cold weather?"

"Yes. At least... that's who I was."

I was looking at him strangely now. I mean that would explain the no shoes and the hair, but that is impossible. "There is no such thing as Jack Frost," I mumbled to myself. But he looked hurt when I said that.

"Fine, then. Prove it. Prove you are who you say you are," I said. I do have a somewhat open mind and I was curious.

"That's the thing. I can't. One second I made a cold gust of wind aimed at you and the next thing I knew I was human," he said sadly but then he looked like he had an idea, "I was human. I am human! People can see me! I can talk to you!" he said gleefully. With those words he jumped up and began flitting everywhere.

He looked at me with those eyes again, this time they were filled with joy, and he said,"Do you know what this means? I have a second chance to be human!"

"OK. assuming I believe your story, which I don't, why is this such an amazing thing? Wouldn't being an immortal winter spirit be a good thing?"

"You don't understand. I've been alone for a long time with only a handful of people who could see me. Do you know what that is like? To always have to be making kids happy but always ending up alone? Cold and alone," he said softly with his head down now. But he whipped his head up quickly now with a giant grin on his face that made his vibrant eyes twinkle,"I'm not invisible anymore! And you... you can show me what being human is like!"

He had on his face a very hopeful look and a pleading expression in his eyes. Right now I wasn't sure if I should call an insane asylum for him... or me for thinking he might be telling the truth. All my life I'd yearned for more. Something more than this sad world we live in. I've lived most of my life in a fog, and now an opportunity for escape was right in front of me. And me, stupid ol' me, took it.

A wish come true (a Jack Frost/rise of the guardians fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now