Chapter 6- Unwanted memories

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Chapter 6 

Jane POV

We waited all night until finally, at 3am, she came. Oh, and not just Tooth, but her whole posse of baby teeth.

Tooth came in through the window and immediate set her sights on Jack.

"Where's your tooth!" she all but shouted at him.

"In my hand, but that's not what this is about!"he was cut off when he was swarmed by hundreds of baby teeth. He was blown off his feet with a slightly panicked look on his face as well as giving me a brief help me look.

Tooth looked at him quizzically and asked, "Well, what is it about? And now that I'm thinking a bit more rationally, how did you lose your tooth?"

Jack had a big look of relief on his face, now that he was no longer being swarmed. He looked at her and said, "I'm human."

Tooth looked very puzzled and said, "Human? Are you serious? That's impossible."

"It's not only possible, it's true. People can see me. I get cold. My powers and my staff are gone," his face was both slightly sad, but filled with joy and wonder.

"Then....why do you need me here?"

"I don't know what to do. I mean, I love being seen and being human, but I'm And confused," he said looking up at Tooth.

As I observed the two of them talk I wondered if maybe....they had something? If they loved each other? A felt a slight twinge of sadness, but quickly brushed it aside. 

Then Tooth turned her big, purple eyes on me and said,"And who are you?"

"Me? Uhhh.... I found him. He was almost run over and i saved him. Then because he looked so much like a lost puppy, I brought him in for a drink."


"What do you mean why?"

"Why do you care about him? You quit believing years ago. Even before that you doubted. So why do you care about the Guardians now?"

I wasn't quite sure what to say, "I....I....I dont know. I don't- I just care about helping Jack."

"That's what i thought. All humans are the same once they grow up. As children you are at your most purest, but once you grow up, you become selfish, and self-centered."

"Wait. You think I'm helping him because I want to use him for some reason?"

She looked at me again, piercing me with her eyes, "Yes."

Jack was looking shocked and said to Tooth," What has gotten into you? She saved my life."

Tooth just looked back at her and said, "I don't trust her."

"Why not?" Jack replied.

"I just don't. I've seen her teeth. They were very dirty, and her memories were tainted."

"Tainted with what?"

"Something. I don't know. But it's not right."

"Tooth, can you please explain a bit better? I'm finding it hard to understand you right now."

"Fine," she gritted out. Then she looked right at me and said, "You carry darkness both within and without. I don't know how, but after your parents died, you became dark. Too dark for a human. And I have a bad feeling why."

At this, I turned and ran out of my room, eyes pricked with tears.How dare she! How dare she just casually bring up the worst part of my life! I'd spent my whole life trying to forget it. But now her, Tooth, was trying to bring it back, and blame me for it. And i just couldn't handle that right now.

A wish come true (a Jack Frost/rise of the guardians fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now