Chapter 14- Hope

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Chapter 14

*Now that Jack was gone elsewhere, North and Bunnymund decided to catch up on recent events*

North spoke his thoughts aloud to Bunnymund, "I'm really worried about him. In all the years I know him, or at least was aware of him, I'm never known him to be sooo.....hotheaded."

"He's in love," Bunnymund pointed out.

"But he only knew the girl for hours before she died! How can you call that love?" North exclaimed.

"When someone dies for you, it's impossible to get them out of your head, wondering what ifs about what they could've done with their life or what if she never met me. I suppose he knew her just long enough for her to get stuck in his mind. But you're right. It may not be so much love as obsession," Bunny pondered.

"But what are we supposed to do about his being human predicament?"

"I don't know. You think Manny did it?"

"I've never heard of man in moon taking away someone's powers, but I suppose it's the only way. No one else even has the power to do such a thing. But here is the big question- what is Manny's intent, if indeed he did do it? Is it meant to be a blessing to Jack or a punishment?" North asked, furrowing his brow in puzzlement.

"It could also be meant to just teach him a lesson. Ya know, get him to respect his powers a bit more."

"I suppose....but then why bring Jane back as a spirit?"

"I'm not sure, mate. Seems kinda cruel to me. Sure her death really sucks, but eventually he would have gotten over her and moved on, but now.....Now knowing she will be around forever, he might not be able to get her out of his head."

"But who is this girl-truly?"

"I don't know. But she's bad news. Anyone so intertwined with Pitch and his evil cannot be good. Did Jack ever mention how she knows him?"

"I think he mumbled once about how Pitch was with her after her parents died, but I'm not sure," North replied, growing exasperated with the whole topic. But he hid his frustration well. He had to. No one could ever know how much anger he kept bottled up inside because Santa Claus is supposed to be jolly all the time. He took a deep breath and continued, "Jack just really worries me. He's just so young compared to us and he's too rash. I'm genuinely worried he'll storm in headfirst somewhere and not make it out alive."

Bunny's eyes were full of concern for Jack as well. Despite all their disagreements, he cared for him in an almost brotherly way. "I worry too. Speaking of him, where did he go?"


"Baby teeth....Where are you baby teeth?" I called out in the same singsong voice one would use to find a pet.

 I was hoping to get them to help me out of here so I could go rescue Ja....Aurora.

Note to self- I really need to learn her new name....

Was my plan stupid? Yes.

Was it reckless? Yes.

Am I still doing it? Damn right.

"Baby teeth!! Where are you guys? I really need your help right now!" I called out to the wind, hoping against hope that they could hear me.

Hope is a funny thing. It's irrational and has no logic to it, yet it can be so powerful. If you have even a little, it can empower you immeasurably. But if you have none, well then life can be pretty bleak.

But I had some of that irrational hope and I just knew that they could hear me somehow.

"Baby teeth! Please! I need your help!" I purposely left out the reason because I was all too aware of Tooth's deep animosity towards Aurora.

I strained my ears against the howling of the wind, trying to hear any response.

Then after minutes of nothing, I hear the distinct sound of beating wings, flapping furiously as they grew closer and closer.

One by one, hundreds of them came into view. I smirked, thinking of North. As if he could keep me here, powers or not!

***A/N sooo.....i suppose you guys wanna know what's going on with Aurora since she left with pitch, huh? hehe, but it's soooo fun to draw out your suspense!!! but chapter will be about her and Pitch:D THAT will be fun to write!!

A wish come true (a Jack Frost/rise of the guardians fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now