Chapter 9- Aurora

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  • Dedicado a Jack Frost

Chapter 9

Jack POV

Jane's limp body hit the ground, an arrow protruding out of her chest. I scuttled over to where she laid, whimpering out,"Jane...Jane...what have you done?"

Her eyes appeared to look over at me one final time before gaining the black and vacant look of death. I gently closed her eyelids.

Even Pitch looked saddened, muttering, "This shouldn't have happened...I wanted to protect her..."

In a fit of rage, i threw myself up off the ground, screaming,"Pitch! This is all your fault! Look what you did! Look at her! She's dead because of you!"

Softer, I murmured, "All you wanted was something new, an escape. I see that now, and I'm so so sorry."

Pitch tried to come closer to her, as if to say goodbye, but I snarled at him,"Get out! Haven't you done enough?"

With those words Pitch disappeared into a black column of smoke and faded into the night. Leaving me all alone with an innocent girl who paid far too heavy a price to prove it.

I looked up at the moon, trying to find someone to blame, and shouted,"Why! Why did you let this happen? To teach me a lesson? Turn me back, i don't care what you do to me. Just fix her. Please." My voice trailed off and I felt tears begin to burn and claw at my eyes.

I began walking, then running, then sprinting as fast as i could to get away. Farther and farther. The cold wind felt like liquid fire down my dry throat, and then it began to rain small daggers that pierced my skin. My human skin.

Pitch POV

"No...No...How could I have been so careless?" I said slamming my fist down on the wall.

"I knew how selfless she was. I know her better than anyone. I should have known she would be dumb enough to do something like that..."

I wrapped the darkness around me and thought, Is this what my soul looks like?

Aurora POV

Floating. Darkness. Then the moon. The large full moon encompassed my vision. Words. Phrases. Speaking to me. But in my mind. Yet it had a sound- pure and distant. And very very old.

Your name is Aurora. You are the keeper of secrets,of things lost, and of memories. The rest is up to you to learn. Now wake up child. You are not needed here, but rather in the mortal realm. Wake up....

The voice faded and all I saw was the large moon in front of me. I was in a cemetery, but i had no idea why.

I was wearing a hoodie, jeans, and in my hand was a book, simply entitled Aurora. Well that's me...

When I opened it up, I saw...blank pages. But at the top of each of the pages was the name of different people. Well, the moon said I was the 'keeper' of memories and secrets...maybe I have to find them first?

I looked around me once more, now noticing my hair. It was bright blue and green. To look like a real aurora, I suppose. I had no idea of the time or day, aside from it being night, so I ran over to a woman I saw walking on the sidewalk.

"Miss? Excuse me, but could you please tell me the date?" I asked,as she walked right by me. Why did she ignore me?

"Hello? Hello? Why are you ignoring me?" I asked once more, attempting to tab her shoulder to get her attention. But my hand went right through her.

I stumbled back in shock. What is happening to me? I ran in front of her, making myself a wall, but she did not appear to see me. When she reached me, she walked right through me. It caused all the hairs on the back of my neck to raise and a chill went down my spine.

A wish come true (a Jack Frost/rise of the guardians fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora