Chapter 12- Curiosity

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Chapter 12

"No! You can't have her!" Jack called out.

"On the contary. I believe I can and I will have her. Now step aside, human," he sneered.

He came closer until he was visible. He wore a long black coat and his skin was a greyish gold. His amber eyes shone bright in contrast to his face.

"Pitch?" I whispered out.

"Oh, so you do remember me?" he drawled out.

"No, but Jack told me about you."

"I don't think Jack is the most reliable source of information about me. Let me introduce myself. My name is Pitch Black and I'm the Boogeyman," he said, taking a low bow.

"Umm, hi? I'm Aurora, since we haven't actually met. Is it true you killed me?" I realized I should feel, well at least something, but Jack's story about Jane didn't connect at all, hence my casual nature. The apparent memory loss helped I'm sure.

"Uhhh...not intentionally and very indirectly, but sort of. But don't you enjoy your new life?"

"Yes. But why are you so familiar to me?" I pondered aloud.

With every sentence we exchanged the two Guardians looked more and more antsy, with Jack looked downright sick. He must really not like Pitch.

"Because, in a way, I'm your Guardian. When you were little, I was there. When you fell, I picked you up. I protected you and was there for you, unlike these two," Pitch said in a surprisingly gentle voice with a pointed look at North.

"But why? Everyone says you are evil. Why did you care about me?"

"Because you remind me of someone I knew long ago, and that is all I will say for now. Now please, come with me," he said, reaching out his arm in a friendly gesture.

"Why? Everyone says you are bad, so why should I come with you?"

"Because I can give you more answers. Understand?"

"Yes," I said simply.

With those words I gradually began to walk closer to him, my curiosity getting the better of me. I wanted to know more about him, his part in my old life. But with every step Jack and North cried out at me to stop, to reconsider and come back.

I turned around to look at them and said, "I want to know. My purpose is to collect the memories of those around me. Can you fault me for wanting to find my own?"

Both Jack and North appeared speechless, unsure what to say, so I spoke for them, "No, you can't. So leave me be."

I turned to Jack and addressed him, "Jack. You seem like a very nice guy, but you don't have any more answers than me. And as far as I know, I've only know you for a few hours. And North," I spoke, turning to him, "You are Santa Claus, which makes you really really awesome, but still the same problem. You can't tell me anything about my past. So goodbye to both of you, for now. I need to know this."

Wrapping up my short speech I turned back to Pitch and walked over to him, grabbing his outstretched arm. It was slightly coarse, like sand, and had no temperature. I stared into his amber eyes, and asked, "Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere dark. But what else would you expect?"

When he finished speaking, he tensed his hand and we vanished, Jumping somewhere far far away.

Jack POV

"Nooo!!" I cried out, just as they vanished together.

"No! He can't just take her! He won then. And Aurora is gone, off to who knows where. Letting Pitch corrupt her mind. Ugh!" I screamed in frustration, kicking a pile a snow violently.

North spoke softly to me, "Jack, you need to calm down."

"Calm! I am calm!" I barked at him.

"You need to think rationally. Ask the right questions. Why did he take her? And what is his personal interest in her? Those are the answers we need to find before we can help her."

"Fine," I mumbled, his words surprisingly logical.

"But I'm still confused. What does he want with her? Not to be mean, but she is not even a Guardian. She is just a spirit. What makes her so different from, say, the leprechaun or the groundhog?"

North chuckled throatily, "I think there is quite a bit of a difference between her and a small rodent that predicts the seasons."

"That's not my point and you know it," I fumed, crossing my arms.

"Yes, yes, Jack, I am well aware of your point. Which is very good. See what you can accomplish when you calm...err...settle down," he corrected himself, seeing my glare forming.

"Ahh! I just cannot figure out what possible connection Pitch could have to her! He was born hundreds, if not thousands, of years before her, not to mention he is pure evil!"

"Well, obviously not. He seems to care for her in some way."

"Yeah, some weird, twisted, and very creepy way."

"Jack, we cannot let emotions cloud our judgement. Besides, why do you care so strongly for this girl? Before you could claim it was guilt over being involved in her murder, but now..."

"She intrigues me, all right? Can we leave this alone? There are more important matters at hand, such as finding out where he took her."

North just looked at me with disappointment, "Jack! Really? You cannot think of any place he might take her?"


"Oh! His lair! But how do we get there? Last time, I got in through a tunnel beneath a bed."

Once again he looked at me funny, "Jack, think about it a little longer. Who do we know that can tunnel?"

"Tunnel? What....Kangaroo! No! We can't bring him here!"

"We can and we must. I shall send out the auroras to summon them."


A wish come true (a Jack Frost/rise of the guardians fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora