Chapter 7- Pitch

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And I don't want the world to see me

'Cause I don't think that they'd understand

When everything's made to be broken

I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming

Or the moment of truth in your lies

When everything feels like the movies

Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

-"Iris" by the goo goo dolls

Chapter 7

Jane POV

I kept running, far far away, until i found myself in a cemetery, far from Jack and Tooth. I had grabbed my jacket on the way out, and now was glad to shut out the cold. As I was walking through the cemetery, I accidentally found myself in front of the gravestone. The one where my parents were buried. Not the ones I live with, but my real ones.

I...I...I couldn't even think about them now.

As I was looking at their joint graves, with their all too familiar names on them, i felt a sense of dread come over me. I looked around me and noticed that the night had grow darker, even with the coming sun. I shivered and looked around hesitantly.

"Who's there?" I asked as strongly, and not at all shaky, as I could muster.

I saw tendrils of black snaking slowly around the cemetery and heard a voice saying, "Only me. Nothing to fear, my favorite child."

A sliver of fear worked it's way into my mind, but I shoved it away out of curiosity.

"Wait. Who are you? You seem familiar."

"I'm Pitch...." he said, his voice slowly fading off.

"Well, where are you?"

"I'm all around you...But if you must see me...Here I am..." he said, appearing in front of me. He was tall and dressed all in black, with pale greyish skin and a very angular face.Now that i thought about it, I also noticed that he had a slight british accent. He also donned a long black cape that flowed around him in the wind.

I felt that I should be more afraid for some reason, but i really wasn't that scared. A little nervous maybe, but calmer than the situation called for.

"Why are you so familiar to me?"

"Because I've been with you for years. When your parents died, you were oh so afraid, and we became very close. Do you remember the 'ghost' you saw, but no one else saw?"

I.. how could he know about that? Nevertheless I answered by nodding my head slightly.

"That was me. See, I've been with you in your darkest moments. Now i need your help. I don't know if Jack told you, but him and his friends have tried for centuries to get rid of me, just for doing what i was made for."

"And what's that?"

"I control fear," he said simply.

 "Judgement aside, right now we just need to talk. How do you feel right now?"

"Confused. Alone. Lost," I said looking up at him, my gaze full of confusion.  

At the mention of the ghost old memories flooded back to me. I was terribly depressed after my parents died, so much so that I tried to kill myself. But right before I could cut my wrist, the ghost's hand stopped me. After that day he began to come to me at night. 

I frequently had nightmares before, but somehow after the ghost came, they stopped. Good dreams stayed away, but at least my sleep was peaceful. 

But the ghost...he came most nights and would just talk to me, he held me when I cried, let me vent to him, and most importantly kept me company. 

Just when I began to look forward to his visits, they stopped. But the nightmares stayed away. Sometimes I would think I saw him in the corner of my eye in the shadows of my room, but it was never there.

Years passed and the ghost faded from memory, written off as a hallucination or a case of dreams blending with reality. he was. Right in front of me? How? Why?

And why now after all this time?

Jack POV

"Tooth! What's wrong with you? Wait a minute....are you...jealous? I know you like me, but that feeling has never been mutual."

She looked slightly guilty and said very unconvincingly, "No...."

"But there is something....wrong with the last tooth she lost, about 3 years ago. It was tinged with something, that I would swear was related to Pitch," she added.

"Are you sure? But there's no way Jane has ever met Pitch. When she met me, she barely believed me about who I was, and she obviously didn't believe in the other Guardians. So how could she know Pitch?" 

As i defended her, a bad feeling grew in my stomach. Because while Jane was a girl I just met, Tooth was a Guardian who would never lie about anything, let alone a tooth. 

"I...let's just find her, alright? That'll solve everything."

A wish come true (a Jack Frost/rise of the guardians fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora